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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
are based. They draw topographical maps, construct roads and bridges, and guide troops in battle to positions they had previously reconnoitred. Scott soon drew to him from this branch of the service Totten, J. L. Smith, R. E. Lee, Beauregard, McClellan, Foster, Tower, Stevens, G. W. Smith, and others, and at once placed Captain Lee on his personal staff. This officer, when Scott was assembling the army at Tampico, for the purpose of investing and capturing Vera Cruz, was with General Wool, le did these young fellows, who marched, bivouacked, fought, and bled side by side on the burning sands of old Mexico, imagine that in less than two decades McDowell would be training his guns on Johnston and Beauregard at first Manassas, while McClellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, Meade, and Grant would each in turn test the prowess of Lee; nor did their old commander, Scott, dream he was training these young men in practical strategy, grand tactics, and the science of war, in order that they mig
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
t arm, and to fill them with his creatures, to the exclusion of regular officers, whom he disliked. It is hardly necessary to say that the comte was writing with limited knowledge. His epithet was applied to such officers as Sumner, Sedgwick, McClellan, Emory, Thomas, Stoneman, Stanley, Carr, etc., who served with much distinction on the Union side of the war from 1861 to 1865; as well as to Albert Sidney Johnston, Joseph E. Johnston, Lee, Hardee, Kirby Smith, Field, Hood, J. E. B. Stuart, ahter at Arlington House during said daughter's life, and at her death to go to my eldest grandson, George Washington Custis Lee, and to descend from him entire and unchanged to my latest posterity. These articles were taken from Arlington, General McClellan writes, and put into the Patent Office in Washington for safe-keeping until such times as they should be restored to their rightful owner, and that he [McClellan] would be willing to testify to that fact in a court of justice, if it were ne
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 7: Atlantic coast defenses.-assigned to duty in Richmond as commander in chief under the direction of the Southern President. (search)
could. As soon as Johnston had retreated McClellan advanced his troops to the position Johnstonhis capital and about the same distance from McClellan's right flank. He could therefore easily rmenced his march from Fredericksburg to join McClellan, was turned back toward Washington, being diich his great military genius was displayed, McClellan was deprived of the co-operation of McDowells probably saved at that period by Jackson. McClellan determined to clear the way for McDowell's m while lower down still is Long Bridge. McClellan spent two weeks in traversing the forty milemmunicating bridges between the two wings of McClellan's army, but the railroad bridge, which had bter fifty-seven hundred and thirty-nine; and McClellan had received a check to his On to Richmond! parent that the destruction of a portion of McClellan's army before it could be succored was no lonefit to the Southern commander, for it kept McClellan quiet for a month, and enabled him to comple[28 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
ine years old when Lee ordered him to locate McClellan's right flank and in the full vigor of a rob communications, while this army attacks General McClellan in front. He will thus, I think, be foror, his distin-guished adjutant general. McClellan, in a dispatch to Mr. Lincoln on the 4th, tw It can not be denied that the retreat of McClellan from his position in front of Richmond to thLee was outnumbered nineteen thousand. When McClellan discovered that his opponent had on the leftn immediately after a personal inspection of McClellan's army on the James River. On that visit, JNewport News, ready, as Mr. Lincoln informed McClellan on July 14th, to move on short notice one w produced consternation. Halleck hurried to McClellan, and had a personal interview on July 25th, r whom I could serve with greater pleasure. McClellan replies: Had I been consulted as to who was Alexandria, for he knew that the portion of McClellan's army which should be transferred by water [63 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 9: Second battle of Manassas. (search)
falling back to Washington in confusion, and McClellan reports that Mr. Lincoln told him he regardell and himself going to Washington; to which McClellan replied: No, but. I am going in the directioss to attack the combined armies of Pope and McClellan in their intrenchments on the Virginia side mmand of the army for offensive operations. McClellan pushed slowly and cautiously his march in Leck road. Two days after Lee left Frederick, McClellan occupied it, and at eleven o'clock on the ni of its contents had a marvelous effect upon McClellan. Lee had been informed by his cavalry of McMcClellan's reaching Frederick. He did not know that his designs had been disclosed to him, and therLee did, that should have been the object of McClellan's main attack, as it was on the direct route the line of battle at Sharpsburg. While McClellan was attempting the passage of Turner's Gap w at Sharpsburg, arriving at ten o'clock. McClellan did not anticipate Lee would offer battle o[20 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
attack on the Confederate left being foiled, McClellan next threw a heavy force on the Southern cenurnside even as late as his attack was made, McClellan might still have gained a great victory. ty-four hundred men, saved Lee's right. Had McClellan placed a portion of his large cavalry force of the attack. He had received reports that McClellan was expecting the arrival of re-enforcementnd ninety-one-eight thousand at Sharpsburg. McClellan's loss in the battle was twelve thousand fouthe vicinity of Bunker Hill and Winchester. McClellan occupied Harper's Ferry and the surrounding total present and absent of 293,798. General McClellan was never in a hurry, but wanted to reacd to Washington he directed Halleck to order McClellan to cross the Potomac and give battle to the civilized warfare. The soldiers parted with McClellan with great grief, and tears stood in many an President, or tipped the scales, but rather McClellan's procrastination and his overcautiousness, [24 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 11: Chancellorsville. (search)
iples it represents. That the Army of the Potomac was profoundly loyal, and confident of its strength, and would give or decline battle when its interests or its honor might demand. The events of last week, said he, might well swell with pride the heart of every officer and soldier of this army. And then in a letter to Mr. Lincoln, dated May 13th, 1863, Hooker says: Is it asking too much to inquire your opinion of my Order No. 49? If so, do not answer me. Jackson is dead, and Lee beats McClellan with his untruthful bulletins. It is not known whether Mr. Lincoln ever answered this question. The truth is, the Army of the Potomac was woefully mismanaged. Its commander guided it into the mazes of the Wilderness and got it so mixed and tangled that no chance was afforded for a display of its mettle. General Paxton was killed while leading his brigade with conspicuous courage in the assault of the 3d. Generals A. P. Hill, Nichols, McGowan, Heth, Hoke, and Pender were wounded. Ch
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
roke camp for the Wilderness campaign, he is reported to have exclaimed, What's this? Is imperial Caesar anywhere about here? Lee, who had campaigned against McClellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, and Meade, had now to measure swords with Grant. Sheridan, too, made his first bow in Virginia at this time. He had served with distinhe two make the York. When Grant crossed the Pamunkey and marched south he was on the Peninsula, and when his advance reached Cold Harbor on May 31st he was on McClellan's former grounds. Across his path, and once more between him and Richmond, was the Army of Northern Virginia. Its commander was again in the saddle, and again marvelous monument to the skill of Lee and the courage of his troops. Grant's hammering process was expensive in time and men. It took him thirty days to march seventy-five miles, at a loss of sixty odd thousand men, and then he was only on ground reached by McClellan without firing a gun, if we except the affair at Williamsburg.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 14: siege of Petersburg. (search)
ve Petersburg-and so re-enforced Early by a division of cavalry and one of infantry, both under General Anderson, the commander of Longstreet's corps. This officer was selected to produce the impression, the remaining divisions of his corps were to follow, in order to induce Grant to send troops to Sheridan equivalent to Longstreet's whole corps. In that case Lee would again re-enforce Early and transfer the principal scene of hostilities to the Potomac, just as he had successfully drawn McClellan from the James and Hooker from the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg by similar movements; but Grant refused to follow the precedent. Sheridan had already an army numerically equal to the one Lee commanded on the Petersburg lines, and was strong enough to stand alone. Lee could not detach more troops, but instead was obliged to recall Anderson and his infantry. The failure to transfer the seat of war from in front of Petersburg was due to the decreasing Confederate strength and the increa
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
mentioned, 6. Mackenzie, General, Ronalds, 373. Macomb, Captain, 28. Madison, James, 2, 10, 11. Magruder, John Bankhead, notice of, 47; mentioned, 110, 136, 137, 138, Isi. Mahone's brigade in the Wilderness, 331; at Petersburg, 360. McClellan, General George B., notice of, 46; skillful retreat, 164, 166, 168; removed, 218; shortcomings, 221, 222; mentioned, 71, 104, 114, 132, 134, 138, 14, 144, 148, 156, 171, 173, 177, 181, 195, 198, 200, 204, 206, 209, 214. McDowell, General, Irniversity, 281, 413. Washington, Mrs., Mary, 26. Waterloo, battle of, 13. Waterloo Bridge, 182, 184, 186. Wellington, Duke of, mentioned, 171, 228, 247, 278; at Waterloo, 343, 420. Webb's brigade at Gettysburg, 295. Webster, Daniel, McClellan's horse, 211. Weed, General, killed at Gettysburg, 302. Weiseger, General, at Petersburg, 360. Weitzel, General, commands Eighteenth Corps, 365. Western armies, success of, 347. Westmoreland County, 146. Westover estate, Virginia, 164