of a commander in chief to expose himself to danger; but when pluck is claimed as his distinguishing quality, we deny that the exposure of other men to danger affords any proof of it. In military genius there is no comparison between Grant and McClellan.
The boasted achievement of transferring his army from the north to the south bank of the James might have been accomplished in the beginning of his campaign without the loss of a single life.
He might have come at once to McClellan's old posMcClellan's old position and crossed the river, or he might have landed on the Southside and reached Petersburg without difficulty.
Instead of that, he came upon a line which he proclaimed he would hold if it took him all summer, and sacrificed seventy-five or a hundred thousand men to reach a point which he might have reached without expending a drop of blood.
If he had a hundred thousand men to spare why not send them to Butler, while he pressed Lee on the Rapidan ? And finally, if the Western army succeeded
McClellan and the Arm Nistration.
--Col How man has been removed by Secretary Stanton from the Superintendency of west Point Military Academy, because of having invited Gen McClellan to take a landing part in some late ceremonies there.
The Lincoln Administration manifests its spite against McClellan on every possible occasilellan and the Arm Nistration.
--Col How man has been removed by Secretary Stanton from the Superintendency of west Point Military Academy, because of having invited Gen McClellan to take a landing part in some late ceremonies there.
The Lincoln Administration manifests its spite against McClellan on every possible occasion. lellan and the Arm Nistration.
--Col How man has been removed by Secretary Stanton from the Superintendency of west Point Military Academy, because of having invited Gen McClellan to take a landing part in some late ceremonies there.
The Lincoln Administration manifests its spite against McClellan on every possible occasion.