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n of an angry and disappointed populace. McClellan next appeared in the arena, and the whole co Northern journalists began to grow weary of McClellan's inactivity. They had fully exhausted all dequate to the heaven-born qualities of George B. McClellan. His eyes, hair, mouth, teeth, voice, e giant infant would yield! The father was Dr. McClellan, and the son-General McClellan! our youngGeneral McClellan! our young commander on the Potomac. The country will see a prophetic charm in this incident. Truly, he was integrity! This beautiful incident of General McClellan's youth was not written subsequent to thllowing is the exceedingly modest address of McClellan after his disastrous defeat in the Seven Dayeard distinguished Southern leaders speak of McClellan in the highest terms of compliment. His sucd great veracity have said in Richmond, that McClellan offered his services to the South when the wgnal victory over the combined forces of Generals McClellan and Pope. On the twenty-eighth and twen
he grand rendezvous, and the troops that first arrived were camped there: some few were sent twenty-five miles to the front (Fairfax Court-house and station) to watch the enemy, while General Johnston proceeded down the Shenandoah Valley with all he could gather, to watch and oppose General Patterson, who was massing his troops on the Maryland bank of the Potomac, and threatening Harper's Ferry. General Pegram was in Western Virginia, watching the Federals in that direction, who, under General McClellan, were threatening to advance circuitously and take us in the rear. Such, in brief, might be said to be the state of things in the middle of April, 1861. I now proceed to a simple narration of facts, of which, for the most part, I was an eye-witness, throughout most of the engagements of the war. And in the first place let me observe, that prior to the proclamation of April, 1861, in which President Lincoln warned us to disperse to our homes in thirty days, there were many who fon
request, and answered the most simple interrogatories with great solemnity and caution. Our strength from such sources of information was put down at from seventy-five thousand to one hundred thousand; while the truth was, our whole army there assembled did not muster more than twenty thousand men, and twenty guns; Johnston having ten thousand men and twenty guns with him in the Shenandoah Valley. Daily reports now began to possess interest. Pegram had been surprised and defeated by McClellan, at Rich Mountain in Western Virginia, (July twelfth,) and from reports of killed and wounded, it was very evident the Federals had no idea of amusing themselves by throwing snowballs at us. Scott began to push his outposts towards Fairfax Court-House, and sharp skirmishing was of daily occurrence; but with little damage to either side. We learned that our independent scouts around Alexandria caused much annoyance and loss by their unerring aim; and judging by the exploits of some few of
minence on our approach, and from it they obtained a full view of all that transpired on our side of the river, with the advantage of being but fifteen miles distant from their forces at Harper's.Ferry, and the same from Poolesville, where General Stone commanded a large force. Their pickets lined the whole river from the Ferry to Washington, so that it was impossible for troops to approach the Potomac without being discovered, when the fact was instantly telegraphed from post to post to McClellan, who was now chief in command. To deceive the enemy, however, Evans had divided his force into small parties, with an over-allowance of tents; and as white canvas-covered wagons were continually seen moving about over the hills, and as our various camps were wide-spread and plentifully supplied with fuel, it was thought by their journals that Johnston was in chief command of our troops, and had not less than from thirty to forty thousand men. The truth is, that Johnston and Beauregard
omac the little town of Waterford our scouts in Maryland daring of Elijah White capture of McClellan's orderlies. It now appeared, from the presence of large bodies of the enemy at all the fords of the river, and the activity they displayed in fortifying every available site, that McClellan was determined to raise an impregnable barrier against our attempts upon Maryland. From Washingtonadvanced, it became apparent that the enemy were resolved to try once more the fortune of war. McClellan's force was powerful, highly disciplined, and finely appointed; and the clamors of the press sigars, and brought back letters for the fellows; went wherever we darned please; seized two of McClellan's orderlies with despatches-found them in bed a little way back-and brought them over safely, he most important part of my story. One of these men had brought important despatches from McClellan, and was to return before sunrise. But, said he, if they think I'm going to travel thirty mil
ce could have escaped. When at length the story was truthfully told by the New-York Times and Tribune, the whole North was thrown into consternation and mourning over the massacre, as they termed it, and began reviling each other for urging McClellan to advance at all against Richmond. Massachusetts was particularly affected by the direful news, for two of its pet regiments (the Fifteenth and Twenty-third) had suffered fearfully, and many young men of the first families had fallen, includionor belonged to them, as they had done all the fighting; and in truth, the Virginians did very little. Poor Stone, the Federal commander, was bullied unmercifully by the Northern press, and being in Washington on business, where he dined with McClellan, he was on the following morning arrested and sent to Fort Warren, without a word of explanation. Among the numerous incidents that fell under my notice illustrative of the sometimes tragical, sometimes laughable, occurrences of civil war,
Dobbs, who had been engaged all his life in the leather business somewhere in Georgia, had come up to proffer his valuable services as brigadier; but being unsuccessful, his patriotism and indignation electrified the whole private family where he boarded. Colonel Madison Warren, some poor relation of the English blacking-maker, had lived in some out-of-the-way swamp in the Carolinas; he came to Richmond to have a private talk with the President, to let him know what he thought about General McClellan and old Scott. Not getting an audience, he offered himself for the vacancy of quartermaster-general, and not being accepted, was sure that Jefferson Davis was a despot, and that the Southern Confederacy was fast going to the devil. Smith had a self-loading, self-priming field-piece, that would fire a hundred times a minute, and never miss. Each gun would only weigh twenty tons, and cost ten thousand dollars. He had asked a commission to make a thousand of them only, was willing t
undreds had escorted prisoners and wounded; scores were intoxicated with wines and liquors found; yet still the gunboats continued their bombardment; and Buell's Major-General Don Carlos Buell is from the State of Ohio, and, previous to this present war, was Captain, Assistant Adjutant-General at Washington. He served during the Mexican campaign, and with distinction, having been twice breveted for gallantry. He was always looked upon as a quiet, methodical, and safe officer; and when McClellan selected leaders from the regular service for the volunteers on General Scott's retirement, Captain Buell was appointed Brigadier-General in Kentucky, and soon after rose to the rank of Major-General. His deportment is gentle and soldierly; he thoroughly understands his business, and despises that coarse vulgarity so common among Federal leaders of the present day. forces arriving in haste, crossed the river and formed line of battle for the morrow. It could not be denied that we had gai
l which had been promised a thousand times, McClellan's Grand Army was in uncomfortable winter quain, however, that public opinion would force McClellan into action long before the proper time; foroping to entice them into an engagement; but McClellan refused the challenge, and moved down the sts before, this accomplished soldier had read McClellan's plans so effectually, that when the enemy he Federals to attempt the line by assault. McClellan saw at a glance the work before him, and prerved to keep up a bitter feeling between us. McClellan made daily reconnoissances with his large bable, when the bombardment regularly opened. McClellan's position was certainly an unenviable one, od. But, alas! if such was the state of McClellan's forces, what was the condition of our own?All this, however, was not considered. When McClellan took command of the enemy in August, 1861, hing the enemy: Well, Lincoln, old Scoft, and McClellan promised ‘em farms each in Virginia when all[11 more...]
nd it was not until Tuesday evening, (May sixth,) sixteen hours after we had left, that the enemy entered Williamsburgh in force. This affair was heralded by McClellan as a complete victory; and the newspapers quoted McClellan's despatch, in large capitals: The enemy are running! I will drive them to the wall! Large editions,McClellan's despatch, in large capitals: The enemy are running! I will drive them to the wall! Large editions, expressly for European circulation, spoke of the rebellion as nigh broken up, and described our troops as ragged, hungry, footsore, and dispirited-all they want now is one more twist of the Anaconda's coil, etc. I will not deny that two or three hundred Dutch, Jews, and unnaturalized foreigners were captured by the enemy's cavalryrther to the rear with his victorious and veteran force, being not far distant in case of emergency. The idea of this flank movement did credit to the genius of McClellan, but its performance was a miserable failure. Franklin's forces at that point far outnumbered ours, for Hood's Texan brigade was the chief corps to oppose him.