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the Union State-rights and secession slavery immediate and gradual emancipation Douglas and Lincoln War imminent the South responsible a slander refuted McClellan always for the Union enters the service made major-general of volunteers in Ohio. When the occurrences at Fort Sumter in April, 1861, aroused the nation to mounted and spoke with him, asking whether I could do anything to relieve him. He was a lieutenant-colonel of a South Carolina regiment, and asked me if I was Gen. McClellan; and when I said that I was Gen. McClellan, he grasped my hand and told me that he was perfectly willing to be wounded and a prisoner for the sake of taking bGen. McClellan, he grasped my hand and told me that he was perfectly willing to be wounded and a prisoner for the sake of taking by the hand one whom all the Confederates so honored and admired. Such things happened to me not unfrequently, and I confess that it gave me no little pleasure to find that my antagonists shared the feelings of my own men for me. To revert to politics for a moment: Then residing in Chicago I knew Mr. Stephen A. Douglas quite we
ate governments incidents in organizing Western army Kentucky campaign in Western Virginia McClellan called to Washington. At the time of my appointment in Ohio we were cut off from direct comsume to make such a request, and, among other things, said: I know more about artillery than Gen. McClellan does, and it is not for him to teach me. So tedious were the movements of the Ordnance Bured as nearly as I remember in these very words: that the region beyond Piedmont is not within Gen. McClellan's command. When his opinion is desired about matters there it will be asked for. After thilog; and, referring to his (Pillow's) purpose of entering Kentucky, said to him that if he did McClellan would be after him ; to which, he said, Pillow replied, He is the very person I want to meet. re still preserved in Western Virginia, and that you remain true to the stars and stripes. Geo. B. Mcclellan, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A., commanading Dept. Address.headquarters, Department of the Ohio, Ci
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them., Chapter 3: private letters of Gen. McClellan to his wife. [June 21 to July 21, 1861.] (search)
Chapter 3: private letters of Gen. McClellan to his wife. [June 21 to July 21, 1861.] Marietta, June 21, 1861. I must snatch a few moments to write you. We got off at 11.30 yesterday morning, and had a continual ovation all along the road. At every station where we stopped crowds had assembled to see the young general gray-headed old men and women, mothers holding up their children to take my hand, girls, boys, all sorts, cheering and crying, God bless you! I never went through such a scene in my life, and never expect to go through such another one. You would have been surprised at the excitement. At Chillicothe the ladies had prepared a dinner, and I had to be trotted through. They gave me about twenty beautiful bouquets and almost killed me with kindness. The trouble will be to fill their expectations, they seem to be so high. I could hear them say, He is our own general ; Look at him, how young he is ; He will thrash them ; He'll do, etc., etc. ad infinitum. . . .
army is complete. Even now I doubt whether any serious opposition to the entrance of the Confederate forces could be offered. While Lincoln, Scott, and the cabinet are disputing who is to blame, the city is unguarded and the enemy at hand. Gen. McClellan reached here last evening. But if he had the ability of Caesar, Alexander, or Napoleon, what can he accomplish? Will not Scott's jealousy, cabinet intrigues, and Republican interference thwart him at every step? . . . Yours truly, Edwin Porter, of the 16th U. S. Infantry, is detached for temporary duty as provost-marshal in Washington, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Col. Porter will report in person at these headquarters for instructions. By command of Maj.-Gen. McClellan. (Signed) S. Williams, Asst. Adjt.-Gen. The effect of all this was that on the 4th of August I was able to write to one of my family: I have Washington perfectly quiet now; you would not know that there was a regiment here. I have
f this order, with the names of the officers and men implicated, will be sent to the governor of New York, to be filed among the State archives. (Signed) Geo. B. Mcclellan Maj.-Gen. Commanding. The execution of this order was entrusted to Col. A. Porter, who took with him a battalion, a squadron, and a battery of regulars.oper brigade commanders or provost-marshals, who will at once investigate the same, and in each instance make report to these headquarters. By command of Maj.-Gen. McClellan. (Signed) S. Williams, Asst. Adjt.-Gen. In describing the steps taken toward the creation of the Army of the Potomac it will be well to begin with t to aid you with all the power of my department, I will be glad if you will inform me how I can do so. Very truly yours, 7th Sept., 1861. Simon Cameron. Maj.-Gen. McClellan. headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Washington, Sept. 8, 1861. Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War: Sir: Your note of to-day is received. I concur in
I encountered an outpost of the Garibaldians. In reply to their challenge I tried English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Indian, a little Russian and Turkish; It is proper to say that this is doubtless a simple statement of fact. Gen. McClellan was able to converse freely in most of the languages named, including two dialects of North American Indian, and had sufficient practical knowledge of all of them (as well as others) to make him independent of an interpreter. W. C. P. all in ent, who caused the following endorsement (also issued separately in the form of an order) to be made upon it: Department of State, Washington Oct. 28, 1861. Maj.-Gen. George B. McClellan, etc., etc., etc.: The President desires that Gen. McClellan will direct such disposition of the military force as will guard effectually against invasion of the peace and order of Maryland during the election,. and for this purpose he is authorized to suspend the habeas corpus and make arrests of trai
necessary. A few days before the arrival of McClellan in Washington Congress had stated the purposore, it was not their policy to strengthen Gen. McClellan so as to insure his success. I have heatood the purpose of the meeting to be that Gen. McClellan should then and there explain his militaryter the lapse of some minutes, said: Well, Gen. McClellan, I think you had better tell us what your see that we are likely to make much out of Gen. McClellan. With that the meeting adjourned. I do ny Mr. Stanton revealed Mr. Chase's secret to McClellan, and enabled the latter to defeat the plot, d of the army. On the very day on which Gen. McClellan made use of Mr. Stanton's information, andin favor of battle in front. President said McClellan's health was much improved, and thought it btive Mansion Washington March 31, 1862. Maj.-Gen. McClellan: my dear Sir: This morning I felt co adjutant-general's office, April 4, 1862. Gen. McClellan: By direction of the President, General
Dranesville, Oct. 19, 1861, 6.30 P. M. To Gen. McClellan: I arrived here this morning. All is qam: camp Griffin, Oct. 20, 1861. Gen. McClellan desires me to inform you that Gen. McCall alling slowly. C. P. Stone, Brig.-Gen. Maj.-Gen. Mcclellan. As it was not foreseen or expecteding admirably. C. P. Stone, Brig.-Gen. Maj.-Gen. McClellan. At two P. M. Gen. Banks's adjutantharply engaged. C. P. Stone, Brig-Gen. To Gen. McClellan. Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 1861, 6 Pward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 1851, 9.30 P. M. To Gen. McClellan: I am occupied in preventing further di Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 11 P. M. To Maj.-Gen. McClellan: We hold the ground half a mile backarters, Seneca Mills, Oct. 21, 11 P. M. To Gen. McClellan: Arrived here at nine and a half o'cloc Question. The order did not proceed from Gen. McClellan? Answer. I was directed the day before he case: Washington, Feb. 28, 1862. Gen. McClellan: What do you propose to do with the tro[3 more...]
Chapter 12: Review of the situation McClellan succeeds Scott in command of all the armies their condition; general disorganization; no plan for the war McClellan's plans for the whole war Simultaneous movements throughout the country Orleans expedition Halleck and Grant correspondence of McClellan and Grant. I do not know that any one worthy of attents. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. B. Mcclellan, Maj-Gen. Commanding. Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary o. . . On the 6th Halleck telegraphed to Grant: Gen. McClellan directs that you report to me daily the number and pos. On the 31st of March Halleck informed Grant: Gen. McClellan directed me to place Gen. Smith in command of the expe85. The following correspondence between Gens. Grant and McClellan is appended by the editor:] Hotel Byron, Villeneuves it has been officially reported to the general that he (McClellan) had retained in his possession certain records pertainin
Chapter 13: Evacuation of Manassas Army corps McClellan removed from chief command President's military orders 3, executive Mansion, Washington, March 11, 1862. Maj.-Gen. McClellan having personally taken the field at the head of theced towards me, I am, most sincerely your friend, Geo. B. Mcclellan. While at Fairfax Court-House an order arrived aur plan than mine? Yours truly, Abraham Lincoln. Maj.-Gen. McClellan. These questions were substantially answered by cretary of War Thomas A. Scott. I was informed that Maj.-Gen. McClellan wished to see me. From him I learned that he desiredn their judgment. A few days afterwards I reported to Gen. McClellan that I was entirely confident the transports could be I had the honor of an interview with the President and Gen. McClellan, when the subject was further discussed, and especiallrom the time the order was given. The President and Gen. McClellan both urgently stated the vast importance of an earlier