Browsing named entities in William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. You can also browse the collection for McClellan or search for McClellan in all documents.

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e between the number of men reported as present for duty and the number taken into action. Although the morning reports stated the present for duty separately from the aggregate present, there were still a large number of non-combatants included in the present for duty, a large number of men detailed on special duties — too often, contrary to orders; and in case of a hard march, immediately preceding a battle, many fell out from inability to keep up, to say nothing of disinclination. General McClellan, in his official report of the battle of Antietam, carelessly states the strength of his army at 87,164, when it is doubtful if he had 60,000 muskets on the field. Gen. F. W. Palfrey: The Antietam and Fredericksburg, p. 70. Yet the morning reports would justify his statement. Let it be hoped that, in the future wars of the Republic, the army may have its corps of intendants, as in the German Army that every wearer of the national uniform shall be a man-at-arms, serving as such on
rps organizations similar to those which General McClellan had instituted in the Army of the Potomain McDowell was placed in command. When General McClellan moved the Army to the Peninsula, in Apri the Peninsular Army, but upon the return of McClellan's forces to Washington, the Reserves rejoine Third Corps, Army of Virginia; but upon General McClellan's restoration to command it resumed its ks of its organization thle corps moved with McClellan's Army to the Peninsula, excepting Blenker'ssion, which was withdrawn on March 31st from McClellan's command, and ordered to reenforce Fremont'ed to the Peninsula in March, 1862, with General McClellan's Army, taking part in the siege operatimmander, receiving a mortal wound. While on McClellan's campaign, Slocum's Division made a gallantl title of the First Army Corps. During General McClellan's Maryland campaign, and during the fall a Sixth Corps general, who had fought under McClellan, and who, later on, had achieved distinction
on Heights, the regiment was ordered to join McClellan's Army, then on its way to meet Lee in Maryl its winter-quarters in Maryland to join General McClellan's advance up the Peninsula. The Seventybarked for the Peninsula where it joined General McClellan's Army, then in front of Richmond. Two nia, near Alexandria, and then went with General McClellan to the Peninsula, having been assigned tndria in March, 1862, and proceeded with General McClellan's Army to the Peninsula, where it took p assigned to Kimball's Brigade, which joined McClellan's army at Harrison's Landing, just after thember, 1862, when the Kanawha Division joined McClellan's Army and was assigned temporarily to the Na heavy artillery fire. It marched with General McClellan's Army through Maryland; it was then in awha Division in September, 1862,--then with McClellan in Maryland — induced the Confederates, undefter a short stay at Alexandria, Va., joined McClellan's Army at Sharpsburg, Md., a few days after [26 more...]
tained far greater losses from this cause. And the Thirteenth saw an unusual amount of active service, too. It had not left the State two weeks before it joined McClellan's Army on the Maryland campaign, and was hotly engaged at Antietam. It fought through the Atlanta campaign, marched through Georgia to the Sea, and then fought er, Harker, Opdycke, Carroll, and other noted officers, were born in Ohio, and appointed from that State, either to West Point or to some volunteer command. General McClellan's first service in the war was as the Major-General of the Ohio volunteers, and Generals Grant and Buell were born in the State. The 102d Ohio lost 70 menof the 8th Infantry was present at Cedar Mountain, where it fought in Augur's Division, Banks's Corps; and some of the companies served as a provost-guard at General McClellan's Headquarters. The principal loss of the 3d Cavalry occurred at Valverde, N. M., and at Cherokee Station, Ala. Colored Troops.--There were 166 regiments