Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 7, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McClellan or search for McClellan in all documents.

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the ladies of his family received calls from all the officers and many citizens. Mayor Wallack kept "open house" at his residence on Louisiana avenue, and his predecessor; Col. Berrett, was among the first who partook of his hospitalities. The police in their becoming new uniforms, paid the Mayor a visit, and were reviewed by him at 9 o'clock. The President was gratified to learn, at the commencement of his reception, by one of the medical attendants at "headquarters," that General McClellan is slowly recovering from what was doubtless an attack of typhoid, yet was fortunately checked in time. Owing to his illness, a guard has prevented bands from serenading him for several nights past. The "Anderson Zouaves" issued large cardaj informing their friends that they were "at home," and a jolly time they are having. The "Ellsworth Avengers," in Butterfield's Brigade, had a grand fantastic parade this morning, and throughout the camps there has been holiday rejoicing wit
e would crush us out in ninety days, were it not for the hope we entertain of foreign recognition. Bennett says he and McClellan are going to crush us out in six weeks, anyhow, recognition or no recognition, and he is only waiting for McClellan to McClellan to get well, in order that he may command the operation. Sancho Pania tells us fin Smollett's translation) that "between said and done, a long race may be run." Bennett and McClellan may afford an illustration of this proverb, and the "race" may provMcClellan may afford an illustration of this proverb, and the "race" may prove another "Bull Run race." In the meantime, if they do not make haste, they may be crushed out themselves before the expiration of the six weeks. The English newspapers, are speaking very significantly about "the rectification of their Canadian bounne under the shadow of the lion and unicorn. It is not so certain that the Yankee buzzard will be allowed to show its foul beak on the Lakes within six weeks from this time. What do their great. Generals, Bennett and McClellan, think of that 7.
ia. It consists of 25,000 men. (Doubtful.). The British papers of the 19th ult. are highly indignant in relation to the "stone fleet." Lincoln's message is severely and unfavorably criticised by the French press. The health of Gen. McClellan and Mr. Marcy is improving. Gen. Rosencranz left for Whelling on Tuesday last. [Second Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 6, --The Herald says that great trouble exists among the operatives in the navy-yards at the North. They disregfolk to-day; which states that the Day Book has, through a flag of truce from Old Point, received the New York Herald of January 3d. Mason and Slidell sailed from Provincetown in the Rinaldo on the 1st inst. in a perfect hurricane. Gen. McClellan and his father-in-law, Mr. Marcy, are much improved in health. Three thousand troops of Picayune Butter's expedition sailed on the Constitution on the 3d inst. Gen. Williams (the hero of Kars) is erecting fortifications to command D