Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Benjamin McCulloch or search for Benjamin McCulloch in all documents.

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the place of the Third Massachusetts.--N. Y. World, July 3. The Governor of Tennessee stationed an agent at Mitchellsville, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, near the northern Tennessee line, to prevent goods declared contraband in the southern confederacy from coming north.--Louisville Journal, July 2. James M. Sanderson assumed the control of the culinary department of the army at Washington, under the direction of the Sanitary Commission.--N. Y. World, July 1. Ben. Mcculloch, Brigadier-General of the rebel forces, issued a proclamation to the citizens of Arkansas, as follows:--To defend your frontier, troops of Missouri are falling back upon you. If they are not sustained, your State will be invaded and your homes desolated. All that can arm themselves will rendezvous at Fayetteville, where they will await further orders. All those who have arms of the State, will march to the scene of action, or give their arms to those who will not desert their country i
ortive insurrection of '48; and having strong military tastes, soon enrolled his name in the Fourth Company of the N. Y. National Guards, and served two years under Captain Riblet. On the organization of the Sixty-ninth in '52, Captain Nugent became one of its earliest officers, and has served faithfully in its ranks as Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel down to the present day.--N. Y. Tribune, August 11. General Lyon learned that the rebels, 22,000 in number, under Ben. McCulloch, were on Wilson's Creek, nine miles from Springfield, Mo., and moved against them with his whole force, only 5,200. The force was disposed in two columns. One under Col. Siegel with his own regiment, and that of Col. Salomon's, and six guns, moved 15 miles in a southerly direction to turn the enemy's right flank, and the other under Gen. Lyon moved forward to attack in front. Lyon's column consisted of the Missouri First, Iowa First, Kansas First and Second, part of the Missouri Secon
nemy's pickets were driven in, and soon after the army came in sight of the rebels' position. McCulloch's camp extended in a valley along Wilson's Creek for three miles, and followed the bends of ths regiments to support the Iowa First. An attempt to charge with his cavalry was next made by McCulloch, but the charge was entirely broken by the fire of Totten's battery. Both batteries were soonrs. Z--Rains's Headquarters. N. Y. World, Aug. 29. Gen. Siegel made his attack upon McCulloch's right, drove the rebels for half a mile from their position and took possession of that extrr Sturgis ordered a movement toward Springfield, and the whole force fell back in good order. McCulloch made no pursuit. The national loss was 800 in killed and wounded. Though the rebel loss is ned Indian warriors--Southern allies — crossed the Arkansas River near Fort Smith, en route for McCulloch's camp. These Indians are armed with rifle, butcher knife, and tomahawk, and had their faces
rch and the stone building after the battle, attending the wounded, and were taken prisoners. They remained, some at Bull Run and others at Manassas Junction, attending upon the wounded for two weeks after the battle, and then were sent to Richmond. Finally they were released on parole and sent within the national lines, via Norfolk. They have been courteously and kindly treated by the military authorities of the Confederate States, and give the most unqualified denial to all stories of the killing or ill-treatment of the wounded. Mrs. Curtis, of New York, who went out a day or two after the battle and was taken prisoner, is also released.--(Doc. 179.) Ben. Mcculloch, in a general order, congratulated the army under his command upon the victory at Wilson's Creek, and hoped that the laurels they had gained would not be tarnished by a single outrage. He also issued a proclamation to the people of Missouri, calling upon them to act either for the North or the South.--(Doc. 180.)
eft and right, forming a three-sided square. The color guard was marched forward from the line, the colors then brought forward, when Gen. Dix addressed the regiment in the most patriotic and impassioned language. Col. Paine replied in the same lofty sentiments and with burning eloquence, which spontaneously drew from his regiment acclamations of eternal fidelity to the emblem of our country's glory-after which the colors took their place in line.--Baltimore American, Sept. 28. A battle was fought near Shanghai, in Benton County, Missouri, between a body of Kansas troops, under Montgomery and Jamison, and the advance guard of Ben. McCulloch's army and some of the State Guard, under Judge Cheneault. The rebels were driven back with considerable loss, and pursued forty miles, when Montgomery fell back on Greenfield. Great alarm was felt by the rebels in Springfield lest Montgomery should attack that place, and the troops there rested on their arms for several nights.--(Doc. 75.)
on of the bank, post-office, and public buildings. Forts Beauregard and Evans were also taken. The battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, was ended after three days severe fighting, between the Unionists under Gen. Curtis, and the rebels led by Ben. McCulloch. On Thursday, the sixth, the rebels commenced the attack on Gen. Curtis's right wing, assailing and pursuing the rear-guard of a detachment under Gen. Franz Sigel, to the Union main lines on Sugar Creek Hollow, but withdrew and ceased acti right of the Union lines. The fight continued mainly at these points during the day, the enemy having gained the point held by the command of Col. Carr, at the head of Big Sugar Creek, but was entirely repulsed with the fall of the commander, McCulloch, in the centre, by the forces under Col. Davis. The plan of attack on the centre was gallantly carried forward by Col. Osterhaus, who was immediately sustained and supported by Col. Davis's entire division, supported also by General Sigel's co