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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
apter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. Ben. McCulloch's proclamation Price's appeal to the Missourians, 66. Lexingtthat was led by Sigel, from Springfield to Rolla. See page 54. McCulloch contented himself with issuing a proclamation to the people of Miwere offensive to Price and his soldiers. Alienation ensued, and McCulloch soon abandoned the fortunes of the Missouri leader for the momentd himself, e with a hope of speedily destroying the enemy, before McCulloch, who was gathering strength in Arkansas to return to Missouri, shg Price from the State. The latter had cause for serious alarm. McCulloch, as we have seen, had left him and gone to Arkansas, and Pillow aheastern Missouri, and taken position in Kentucky and Tennessee. McCulloch, who had promised an escort for an ammunition train to be sent fr battle on the ground where Lyon was killed three months before. McCulloch was reported to be at Dug Springs; See page 45. and the number
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
Missouri. The battle of Bull's Run was represented as a complete discomfiture of the Government; and the flight of the Union army from that field, and the death of Lyon, and the falling back of the Union troops in Missouri after the battle of Wilson's Creek, fixed the impression on the minds of the Indians that henceforth the Confederate Government would be the only legitimate and powerful one on which they could rely. While Chief Ross and his associates were perplexed by indecision, Ben. McCulloch and his Texans, who, as we have seen, abandoned Price in Missouri, marched to the Indian border, and required the Creeks and Cherokees to decide immediately to which cause they would adhere, on penalty of having their country ravaged by 20,000 Texas and Arkansas troops. This produced the council at Tahlequah on the 20th of August, and the message of Chief Ross, printed on page 476, volume I. A large minority of both nations, led by the Creek Chief Opothleyolo; resisted the Confederates