Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Benjamin McCulloch or search for Benjamin McCulloch in all documents.

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evails this morning among St. Louis Secessionists that Ben. McCulloch was not killed in the Springfield engagement, as repordditional dispatches received here deny the death of Generals McCulloch and Price at the late battle in Missouri, and confiroorly compensated for by the death of the outlaw leaders, McCulloch and Price, who are among the large number of the rebels khe damage inflicted upon the enemy, and the loss of their McCulloch and Price, are no equivalent for such a disaster. He feled and swept before it 23,000 of the vaunted troops of Ben. McCulloch, and that, though from its very weakness in numbers, wse we place no reliance upon the reported killing of Generals McCulloch and Price. The official dispatch cautiously alludes to the Missourians.--"is reported as heavy, including Gens. McCulloch and Price." Now, the term loss is applied, not only ton out to be true, it does not follow that either Price or McCulloch is killed. They may, both perhaps, have been wounded. M