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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 22, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Benjamin McCulloch or search for Benjamin McCulloch in all documents.
Your search returned 8 results in 3 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: August 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], Message of the Governor of North Carolina . (search)
Provisional Congress.
--Thanks to Gen. McCulloch and his Army.-- Congress at its opening and before going into secret session, yesterday morning, upon the motion of Mr. Ochiltree, of Texas, in a few suitable and eloquent remarks, passed unanimously resolutions of thanks to Brig. Gen. McCulloch, and his gallant army, for their late brilliant victory achieved by them over the Federal forces in Missouri.
Provisional Congress.
--Thanks to Gen. McCulloch and his Army.-- Congress at its opening and before going into secret session, yesterday morning, upon the motion of Mr. Ochiltree, of Texas, in a few suitable and eloquent remarks, passed unanimously resolutions of thanks to Brig. Gen. McCulloch, and his gallant army, for their late brilliant victory achieved by them over the Federal forces in Missouri.