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The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1860., [Electronic resource] 5 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. A. McDougall or search for J. A. McDougall in all documents.

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he enemy's forces were in full retreat from Hancock. Gen. Shields and Senator M'Dougall--a Duel on the Tapis. A card was recently published in the Northern journals from General Shields, pronouncing "utterly false" an allegation of Senator McDougall, of California, that he (Shields) was a Secessionist. The Senator is out in the following rejoinder: Astor House, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1862. I am advised that a question has been made concerning a statement made by me at JacksonvillIf it is supposed that in discharging my official duty as a Senator of the United States, in acting upon the nomination of Mr. Shields as a Brigadier General, I can be influenced by menace, I trust that all such hopes will prove unfounded. J. A. McDougall. In connection with the above, the New York correspondent of the Baltimore Clipper, under date of January 7th, says: In consequence of the allegation on the part of Senator McDougal, of California, that Gen. Shields was a Sec