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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 650 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 314 2 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 271 1 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 99 1 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 99 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 71 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 52 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1863., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 31, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them.. You can also browse the collection for Irwin McDowell or search for Irwin McDowell in all documents.

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from the newspapers and private sources; I received no official information of McDowell's intended movements, and had no communication from headquarters on the subject until Gen. McDowell was actually in contact with the enemy. Consequently the projects I formed for operations, as soon as my command should be reorganized, were uevening of July 21, 1861, I first received intelligence of the advance of Gen, McDowell and the battle of Bull Run. I had received no intimation whatever in regard tived from Gen. Scott, early in the evening of the 21st, was to the effect that McDowell was gaining a grand victory, had taken four redoubts on the enemy's left, and Then came a despatch not quite so favorable ; finally a telegram stating that McDowell was utterly defeated, his army routed and, as a mere mob, streaming towards Wah a question as to whether I could do anything across the mountains to relieve McDowell and Washington. I did not then know that Gen. Joe Johnston had left Winches
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them., Chapter 3: private letters of Gen. McClellan to his wife. [June 21 to July 21, 1861.] (search)
dedly flattering to me. I received from him yesterday a despatch beginning, Your suggestion in respect to Staunton would be admirable, like your other conceptions and acts. I value that old man's praise very highly, and wrote him a short note last night telling him so. I enclose some scraps clipped off a dirty rebel flag captured at Rich Mountain. . . . Am engaged now in arranging to march home the three-months men to be reorganized, and in clearing up matters generally. . . . I suppose McDowell drove the enemy from Manassas Junction yesterday; if so the way will be pretty well cleared for the present. If any decided movement is made towards Richmond I shall feel sure that they cannot intend to trouble my people here. July 21, Beverly. . . . Were you satisfied with the result? Nine guns taken, twelve colors, lots of prisoners, and all this done with so little loss on our side! We found yesterday some more guns abandoned by Garnett, bringing the number taken up to nine. . .
division consisted of the Department of Northeast Virginia, under McDowell, which comprised all the troops in front of Washington on the Pennme difficulty and fraught with great danger. The defeated army of McDowell could not property be called an army — it was only a collection ofby every one. There were about one thousand regular infantry with McDowell at Arlington. These, with a regular battery and a squadron of regd I committed one of my greatest errors — that was in retaining Gen. McDowell on duty with the troops under my command. I knew that he had bcommander in the field. After Pope's campaign it was not safe for McDowell to visit the camps of his troops; the men declared that they wouldinfluence on the result. Soon after my arrival I called upon Gen. McDowell, then in command of all the troops on the Virginia side, for a he 12th. The formation of divisions was thus: Aug. 24, 1861: McDowell's division, consisting of Keyes's and Wadsworth's brigades. King'
. I have been assigned to the command of a division composed of the departments of northeastern Virginia (that under McDowell) and that of Washington (now under Mansfield). Neither of them like it much, especially Mansfield; but I think they mustter I got through there I went to see Montgomery Blair on business. Then, on my return, found some more of the cabinet, McDowell, etc., so that it was after midnight when I got to my room, completely fatigued. So my days and nights pass, a steady cthe dangerous moment has passed. 26th . . . Reviewed Sherman's command (seven regiments) near Fort Corcoran; then McDowell's (eight regiments) at the race-course; then rode to the ground in front of Alexandria-twelve hours in saddle, Aug. 3he order that it was by request of the Lady President. Sept. .--Inspected works from Corcoran to Albany; reviewed McDowell's division and another brigade; condition of troops excellent. Received proceedings of court-martial sentencing a dozen
th of Sept. Smith's division marched out to Falls Church, which movement, in connection with an advance of a part of Franklin's division on the Leesburg pike, of McDowell's on Ball's cross-roads and Upton's Hill, and of Porter's on Hall's Hill, determined the evacuation of Munson's, Upton's, and Taylor's hills by the enemy's outposts, who had now seen the last of Washington until Early's raid in 1864. Taylor's, Perkins's, Upton's, and Munson's hills were occupied by a brigade of McDowell's division, who at once commenced work upon the necessary fortifications. The occupation of this point was of great importance, as it gave ample room in rear for movin McCall's division at Prospect Hill; Smith's division at Mackall's Hill, holding Lewinsville by an advanced guard; Porter's division at Minor's and Hall's hills; McDowell at Arlington, with one brigade at Munson's Hill, etc.; Blenker's division at Hunter's Chapel; Franklin at the Theological Seminary; Heintzelman at Fort Lyon. Th
Army of the Potomac commenced with a full field-artillery force of 49 batteries of 274 guns. To this must be added the field-artillery of Franklin's division of McDowell's corps, which joined a few days before the capture of Yorktown, but was not disembarked from its transports for service until after the battle of Williamsburg, and the field-artillery of McCall's division of McDowell's corps (4 batteries, 22 guns), which joined in June, a few days before the battle of Mechanicsville (June 26, 1862), making a grand total of field-artillery at any time with the army of the peninsula of 57 batteries of 318 guns. When there were so many newly organized vothe Division of the Potomac I found Maj. J. G. Barnard, U. S. Engineers--subsequently brigadier-general of volunteers-occupying the position of chief-engineer of McDowell's command. I continued him in the same office, and at once gave the necessary instructions for the completion of the defences of the capital and for the entire
he circumstances attending the withholding of McDowell's corps, of which his division formed part, writes: McDowell told me that it was intended as a blow at you. That Stanton had said that you intendairs to the President or Secretary of War. Gens. McDowell, Franklin, and, I think, Meigs were entrusted by the President with this business. McDowell, who was probably at the bottom of the affair, ent, Secretaries Seward, Chase, and Blair, Gens. McDowell, Franklin, and Meigs. I do not think thathink Franklin took any special part. Finally McDowell said he wished to explain to me the part he hthis plan by having it carried into effect by McDowell. In no other way can I account for the uncalgues, he may not have been so willing to have McDowell, or any other general closely allied to Mr. C only excuse myself. At President's found Gens. McDowell, Franklin, and Meigs, and Seward and Blairlellan: By direction of the President, General McDowell's army corps has been detached from the f
disorganization; no plan for the war McClellan's plans for the whole war Simultaneous movements throughout the country orders to Burnside for North Carolina expedition; to Halleck and Buell for operations in the West; to Butler for the New Orleans expedition Halleck and Grant correspondence of McClellan and Grant. I do not know that any one worthy of attention has questioned the manner in which was performed the task of converting the unorganized, defeated, and dispirited remains of McDowell's Bull Run command into the Army of the Potomacan army which so long bore on its bayonets the life and honor of the nation. Everything was to be done. An army was to be created ab initio--out of nothing. Raw material there was, but it was completely raw, and was to be fashioned into shape. Private soldiers, non-commissioned officers, officers, regiments, brigades, divisions, army corps, armies, with all their staff corps, were to be organized and instructed, not merely on paper, but i
irected by the President's order of March 8, 1862, was the work of the President and Secretary of War, probably urged by McDowell. It was issued without consulting me and against my judgment, for from the beginning it had been my intention to postpossary opposition. My order for the formation of the corps was given on the 13th, as soon as circumstances permitted. McDowell was very anxious to have the reserve artillery, the cavalry, and the regular infantry attached to his corps; fortunately, I kept them by themselves, or I should, no doubt, have lost them as well as McDowell's own corps. On the 10th I reached Fairfax Court-House and established headquarters there. It was now evident, from the information received, that it would be e Shenandoah was formed into a department under Gen. Banks, while the Department of the Rappahannock was constituted for McDowell. This department embraced that portion of Virginia east of the Blue Ridge and west of the Potomac and the Fredericksbur
I had intended to go with Capt. Duane's command and with McDowell's corps. I learned to-day that the Annapolis bateaux hads, and all the bateaux should be with the landing corps — McDowell's. To-day I had a consultation with McDowell, and it was McDowell, and it was decided to place the whole matter of providing means of landing under Gen. Woodbury, and to put temporarily Capt. Duane undetial part of the means. The orders have been issued by Gen. McDowell for that purpose. Unless the arrangements are made nowpanies; but he himself and all the bateaux should go with McDowell, and Woodbury will furnish the additional men necessary at. Duane or any portion of his command is to leave before McDowell's corps; if so, how much of it, and when. Let me know whconstantly posted. G. B. McClellan. McClellan to McDowell.Fairfax Court-House, March 13, 11.30 P. M. Maj.-Gen. McDoMaj.-Gen. McDowell, Washington: Please make your arrangements to go to Fort Monroe very soon to receive troops, stores, etc. Try to com