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certainty of all things. A mother stood by, straining her weeping eyes for the parting glance at her first-born; and so many others turned their sad, weary steps homewards, as their dear ones passed from their sight. April 21st, 1862. The ladies are now engaged making sand-bags for the fortifications at Yorktown ; every lecture-room in town crowded with them, sewing busily, hopefully, prayerfully. Thousands are wanted. No battle, but heavy skirmishing at Yorktown. Our friend, Colonel McKinney, has fallen at the head of a North Carolina regiment. Fredericksburg has been abandoned to the enemy. Troops passing through towards that point. What does it all portend? We are intensely anxious; our conversation, while busily sewing at St. Paul's Lecture-Room, is only of war. We hear of so many horrors committed by the enemy in the Valley-houses searched and robbed, horses taken, sheep, cattle, etc., killed and carried off, servants deserting their homes, churches desecrated! A
reliable men, have fled here from Monticello. They report 400 rebel cavalry m Clinton County, 250 in Burkesville, and 160 in Jamestown, Tenn. They are killing and robbing as they go. They threatened this place, and say the stores, &c., left here shall be destroyed. The loyal citizens of Clinton are almost in despair, &c. G. H. McKINNEY. My command, already reduced by sending the Forty-ninth Indiana Regiment to Barboursville, is too small to afford succor to Somerset. Assistant Quartermaster McKinney belongs to my division, and I have ordered him to supply the Home Guard with arms and ammunition, and destroy the balance of the stores on the approach of the enemy. Duplicate sent to General Buell. George W. Morgan. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Barboursville, Ky., June 9, 1862. Many thanks for Baird and Medary. Both have arrived. My advance guard is at Lambdin's, within 18 miles of Speedwell where the column will strike the Tennessee line. For miles a r
moved Dec. 21, 1863. to insert-- Provided, That no part of the moneys aforesaid shall be applied to the raising, arming, equipping, or paying of negro soldiers. Which was likewise beaten: Yeas 41; Yays 105--the Yeas (all Democrats) being Messrs. Ancona, Bliss, James S. Brown, Coffroth, Cox, Dawson, Dennison, Eden, Edgerton, Eldridge, Finck, Grider, Hall, Harding, Harrington, Benjamin G. Harris, Charles M. Harris, Philip Johnson, William Johnson, King, Knapp, Law, Long, Marcy, McKinney, William II. Miller, James R. Morris, Morrison, Noble, John O'Neill, Pendleton, Sainuel J. Randall, Rogers, Ross, Scott, Stiles, Strouse, Stuart, Chilton A. White, Joseph W. White, Yeaman. No other War measure was so strenuously, unitedly, persistently, vehemently resisted by the Opposition, whether Democratic or Border-State Unionists, as was the proposal to arm Blacks to uphold the National cause. Said Mr. S. S. Cox, of Ohio: I believe the object of gentlemen, in forcing this bi
Harris. Kentucky--Clay, Grider, Harding, Mallory, Wadsworth. Ohio — Bliss, Cox, Finck, Wm. Johnson, Long, J. R. Morris, Noble, J. O'Neill, Pendleton, C. A. White, J. W. White. Indiana--Cravens, Edgerton, Harrington, Holman, Law. Illinois--J. C. Allen, W. J. Allen, Eden, C. M. Harris, Knapp, Morrison, Robinson, Ross, Stuart. Wisconsin--J. S. Brown, Eldridge. Missouri--Hall, Scott.--Total, 56. Not Voting--Lazear, Pa.; Marcy, N. H.; McDowell and Voorhees, Ind.; Le Blond and McKinney, Ohio; Middleton and Rogers, N. J.--all Democrats. [By the subsequent ratification of more than two-thirds of the States, this Amendment has become a part of the Federal Constitution.] Several informal attempts at opening negotiations for the termination of hostilities were made in the course of this Winter--Hon. Francis P. Blair, of Maryland, visiting Richmond twice on the subject, with the consent, though not by the request, of President Lincoln. At length, upon their direct app
D. Ricketts, Blanton Duncan, Henry Gray, H. W. Bruce, R. McKee. Marshall — I. C. Gilbert. Marion — G. S. Miller. Meade — J. P. Walton, J. S. Taylor. Mercer — Philip B. Thompson. Muhlenburg — H. D. Lothrop, R. S. Russell. Nelson — J. D. Elliott, J. C. Wickliffe. Oldham--Mr. Miller, J. R. Gathright. Ohio--Dr. W. G. Mitchell, F. W. Forman. Scott — G. W. Johnson. Shelby--Colonel Jack Allen, J. F. Davis. Spencer — T. L. Burnett. Todd — James A. Russell, W. B. Harrison. Trigg — Mat. McKinney, H. C. Burnett. Washington — Pat. Symmes. Lyon — W. B. Machen, R. L. Cobb. McCracken — W. Bullitt. McLean--Rev. Joseph Gregory, J. S. Morton. Garrard — J. P. Burnside, G. R. Davis. On motion of Mr. J. C. Gilbert, the rules of the House of Representatives at Frankfort, as far as applicable to its proceedings, were adopted by the Conference. On motion of Colonel Blanton Duncan, a doorkeeper was appointed. Mr. W. M. Clark, of Logan County, was elected doorkeepe
Doc. 191.-fights at Fort Donelson, Tenn. Chaplain McKinney's account. Fort Donnelson, August 26, 1862. Eds. Com.: Yesterday at half-past 1 o'clock P. M., companies A, Capt. Carlin, B, Capt. McConnell, G, Capt. Moody, H, Capt. Le Blond, of the Seventy-first Ohio volunteer infantry, holding the post at Fort Donelson, were attacked by a guerrilla force under command of Colonel Woodward, numbering four hundred and fifty infantry and three hundred and twenty-five cavalry, so stated by him — Woodward — to Captain McConnell. The rebels played sharp on our pickets. They sent citizens, with revolvers concealed, who approached the pickets and asked permission to come within our lines, as citizens had been doing some days previous. It may be observed that our pickets were posted on the different approaches to town, at distances ranging from a half to three fourths of a mile from our camp. As soon as these citizens were near enough to our pickets they drew their revolvers and de
while urging his men forward; He was at least twenty yards in advance of his command. I fear he will never again be able to take the field. In him we lose a gallant officer. Lieutenant-Colonel Leigh of the Forty-third Mississippi fell while gallantly leading his wing of the regiment. Major McQuiddy was severely wounded. Major Vaughn, of the Sixth Missouri, was killed. While leading this charge several officers of the line were killed, among whom were the following: Captain Taylor, Captain McKinney, and Captain Graves. After the enemy fell back and the firing ceased, we gathered up the wounded and advanced our lines some two hundred yards beyond where the enemy had fought us, and slept on our arms all night. About daylight, leaving our skirmishers out, we fell back about one hundred yards under cover of the hill, in order to get some refreshments. Before we were done eating the enemy opened their batteries, upon us most furiously. Just at this time I received a message f
position of the enemy before my dispositions were made under the impression of his having abandoned his position, it is believed none would have escaped. The unaccountable delay doubtless has proved very detrimental to our interests. To Captain McKinney, of General Jackson's staff; to Mr. W. H. Watterson, clerk of my brigade quartermaster; and to Mr. Phipps, and other guides, my thanks are especially due for their activity, energy, and judgment on this occasion. To Lieutenant W. M. Hopkinsa letter of instructions and a map for your guidance. I find the Horse Creek Valley too much to your right. You must take the most direct road, or the one you think best. Dodson's Ford is represented to me as the best. I will send to you Captain McKinney, of General Jackson's staff, who knows the country thoroughly about Rogersville. It looks as though it would rain, and we may be prevented from making the movement. Williams will be relieved to-morrow, and I shall have to send the letter o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Longstreet's divisionYorktown and Williamsburg. (search)
newed by eighteen guns, to which the single six-pounder made a steady reply from its pit. At half-past 3 o'clock a heavy body of infantry was drawn up on the opposite bank, and a musketry fire was also opened, under cover of which four companies of the Third Vermont, afterwards reinforced by eight others, forded the stream and advanced gallantly upon the unfinished breastworks, on which the Fifteenth North Carolina was just then at work. A sharp fight ensued for a few minutes, in which Colonel McKinney, commanding the Fifteenth North Carolina, was killed, and his regiment, after his fall, was driven back in confusion, and the breastworks were possessed by the enemy. Just at this time, however, Colonel G. T. Anderson, with a part of his brigade, consisting of the Seventh Georgia, Colonel Wilson; the Eighth Georgia, Colonel Lamar, and a part of the Sixteenth Georgia, Colonel Bryan; and two companies of the Second Louisiana, under Colonel Norwood, advanced to the support of the North Ca
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 4: Yorktown and Williamsburg (search)
her side. They made their advance very handsomely, fording the overflow, and actually got possession of our line of infantry parapet some 20 yards on the farther side. This was occupied at the time by only a picket line of the 15th N. C., Col. McKinney, the rest of the regiment being at work upon a second line 200 yards in the rear. McKinney promptly formed his regiment and moved forward to drive the enemy out, but was killed, and his men repulsed in confusion, the enemy fighting from the McKinney promptly formed his regiment and moved forward to drive the enemy out, but was killed, and his men repulsed in confusion, the enemy fighting from the far side of our parapet. Presently, however, the brigade commander, Howell Cobb, arrived, and as the enemy were not reenforced, after holding their ground for perhaps a half hour, they retreated, losing 83 men out of 192 who crossed the stream. The entire casualties of the Federals were 165. The casualties of the 15th N. C. were 12 killed and 31 wounded. It was plain from this affair that the fighting we would soon have to face was to be something better than that of 1861. Meanwhile McC