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Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 400 2 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 279 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 272 2 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 215 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 165 3 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 152 2 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 115 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 96 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 55 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 34 4 Browse Search
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re in the rear of Smith's division, on the Fort Henry road. There were but three professional soldiers in the entire command—Grant himself, Smith, and Lieutenant-Colonel McPherson, of Grant's staff. McPherson was at this time really on Halleck's staff, but detailed as chief engineer for Grant during this campaign. The 13thMcPherson was at this time really on Halleck's staff, but detailed as chief engineer for Grant during this campaign. The 13th was occupied in selecting and still further reconnoitring the ground, and getting into position; owing to the non-arrival of the gunboats and of the reenforcements sent by water, no attack was made, but the investment was extended on both flanks of the enemy, and drawn closer to his works. Skirmishers were thrown out actively in s, and where we could plant our artillery to silence his, and enfilade a portion of his defences, at the same time making use of his rifle-pits to cover our men.–McPherson's Report. Grant slept in a negro hut that night, and Smith, with his troops, on the frozen ground they had won; while inside the fort occurred one of the mos
pproaching our lines, and there had been more or less skirmishing for three days preceding the battle. The consequence was our breakfasts were ordered at an early hour, and our horses saddled to be ready in case of an attack. Report of Major-General McPherson, dated Lake Providence, La., March 26, 1863. McPherson at this time was on Grant's staff; he was at W. H. L. Wallace's headquarters on the night of the 5th, and on the morning of the 6th. They at once put their commands into line. of to Pittsburg; yet, his troops had helped build the bridge over Snake creek, for just such emergencies as had now occurred. He was, however, set right by Captain (afterwards Lieutenant-Colonel) Rowley and Colonel (afterwards Major-General) McPherson, both at the time on General Grant's staff; they put him in the right direction at one o'clock, and it took him till seven that night, to march five miles in the direction of battle, though the cannonading was heard at Nashville, a hundred mile
o get out of it all right. At last, it was rendered certain, by the removal of Price's cavalry from La Grange to Ripley, that Corinth was to be the place of attack. Grant thereupon directed Rosecrans to call in his forces, and sent Brigadier-General McPherson to his support from Jackson, with a brigade of troops hastily got together. The enemy evidently intended to attack on the northern side of the town, facing east and south, and cutting off Rosecrans from all reenforcements; so Grant hners, representing sixty-nine regiments and thirteen light batteries; many of the prisoners were wounded. The disparity in losses was doubtless occasioned by the fact that a portion of the national troops fought behind intrenched batteries. McPherson arrived from Jackson during the fight, coming up in the rear of the enemy; and, being unable to get to the support of the garrison in any other way, made a brilliant march around the rebel flank, bringing in his brigade, at the close of the bat
liged to hold them all. On the 4th of November, he had seized La Grange and Grand Junction, and announced: My moving force will be about thirty thousand men. McPherson commanded his right wing, and C. S. Hamilton the left, while Sherman moved out from Memphis to attract attention in that direction. Grant's headquarters were withe assault, but neither official nor definite, and could not learn, for a week afterwards, whether Sherman had fought his way into Vicksburg or not. On the 4th, McPherson was ordered north from the Tallahatchie; but the backward movement was a slow one; the roads were in miserable condition by reason of the winter rains, and, as is certain: two generals cannot command this army, issuing independent and direct orders to subordinate officers. All these peculiarities indicated to Sherman, to McPherson, and to Admiral Porter the same traits, and those three officers urged upon Grant, in writing and in conversation, that the only chance for the success of the en
-Generals Mc-Clernand, Sherman, Hurlbut, and McPherson, respectively. The Arkansas troops had beene and circuitous in a remarkable degree. So McPherson's corps was engaged in the undertaking for mhe support of Ross; but, shortly afterwards, McPherson, with his whole corps, and an additional divoccasioned by the lack of transportation for McPherson's corps, and Grant was informed that they wet had become evident that transportation for McPherson, through the Yazoo pass, could not be procur they considered this fatal error. Sherman, McPherson, Logan, Wilson, all opposed—all of course wi to New Carthage, twenty-seven miles below. McPherson and Sherman were to follow McClernand, as raiken's bend, to hasten the transportation of McPherson's corps. In fact, during this entire campf the enemy. The Seventeenth corps, under McPherson, had followed McClernand closely, and Grant,llow as rapidly as possible, on the heels of McPherson's corps. Move up to Perkins's plantation, w[1 more...]
towards Vicksburg instructions to Hurlbut McPherson advances Sherman arrives correspondence wid, until two brigades of Logan's division in McPherson's corps appeared. The battle had now been if possible, outflank the enemy. Grant and McPherson accompanied this brigade, and the movement wntil relieved by Sherman. Grant now ordered McPherson to push across the bayou and attack the enemw on the main road from here to Jackson, and McPherson, closely followed by Mc-Clernand, on the braecalling Grant. On the 6th, Grant ordered McPherson: Move one of your divisions to Rocky Springser place, he relieved Crocker's division, of McPherson's corps. This day, Grant announced to Hal and the rebels received no further injury. McPherson considered Stevenson's delay unnecessary, anr Bolton road. At six and a half o'clock, McPherson dispatched to Grant: I think it advisable foof the enemy are south of Hovey's division. McPherson is now up with Hovey, and can support him at[91 more...]
of outworks and captured a few prisoners. McPherson had arrived in front of Vicksburg after nighrant himself took a commanding position near McPherson's front, from which he could see all the advmoved to the assault; but, as in the case of McPherson and Sherman, by brigade, regiment, or battafrom the right and left. A vigorous blow by McPherson would make a diversion in my favor. Grant rGrant, after the repulse of both Sherman and McPherson. He showed it to Sherman and to his own staantage. Grant himself started at once for McPherson's front, to convey to him the information cos chief of staff, with McClernand's note, to McPherson, indorsing on it an order for Quimby's divisort to McClernand. The dispatch was sent to McPherson, to satisfy him of the necessity of an activ might be held in his and Sherman's fronts. McPherson sent the dispatch and order to Quimby, who fments; that Quimby was to join him, and that McPherson and Sherman would renew their assaults by wa[11 more...]
already occupied, Sherman having the right, McPherson the centre, and McClernand the left of the ling favorable, were retained for artillery. McPherson commenced systematic operations on the 24th,t was not so good as that done by Sherman or McPherson; but this arose from no lack of capacity or the last man here and at Young's Point. To McPherson, he said: Sherman goes out to meet Johnston.er, copies of which were sent to Sherman and McPherson, who at once resented the assertions it contder, and the letters of Generals Sherman and McPherson. This was the termination of the troubleectiles or loaded shells thrown by hand, but McPherson's men rushed into this gulf, lighting and thdays cooked rations in their haversacks. To McPherson: There is indication that the enemy will attinterview could be had between the lines, in McPherson's front, at three o'clock that afternoon. Tat night, Grant sent instructions to Ord and McPherson to put discreet men on picket, and allow the[5 more...]
r 10: Grant recommends Sherman and McPherson for promotion characteristics of American s Jackson, Grant recommended both Sherman and McPherson for the rank of brigadier-general in the regs. The promotion of such men as Sherman and McPherson always adds strength to our army. These prot West Point; Besides Grant, Sherman, and McPherson, these were Ord, who commanded the Thirteentf, thereupon consulted with both Sherman and McPherson, and John E. Smith's division of the Sevente. With such men, said Grant, as Sherman and McPherson, commanding corps or armies, there will neven's corps here, but it is replaced by one of McPherson's, already above. Sherman was accordingly non of the Fifteenth corps was to remain with McPherson, in exchange for that of John E. Smith, whicle force in Mississippi might be recalled to McPherson's front, and the march of Sherman from Memphe. . . . . An able commander like Sherman or McPherson should be selected. As soon as your health [2 more...]
The work of crossing was pushed with all the vigor possible, and on the 1st of November, Sherman, in person, passed to the head of the column, at Florence, leaving Blair to follow with the rear division. Grant now ordered Tuttle's division, of McPherson's corps, to be sent forward to report to Sherman. Delays were occasioned by the destruction of bridges across the Elk river, and long detours were made; for there was not time either to ferry, or to build new bridges; and, on the 5th, Grant agiency of steamers and of locomotives, and, accordingly, Grant said to Burnside: If you have any steamers, I think you had better protect the pilot and engine from sharp-shooters, by case-mating with oak plank, and send them down here; while, to McPherson, now in command at Vicksburg, he said: Send without delay, via the Tennessee river to Danville, Tennessee, all the locomotives at Vicksburg, with the exception of two, and all the cars, with the exception of ten. Let the locomotives and cars b