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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
ned to our old and comfortable quarters at Liberty Mills. Mine Run. While in winter-quarters at Liberty Mills, Orange county, Va., our brigade did picket duty at the bridge over the Rapidan at that point, and on the Stanardsville road until Meade crossed the river at Mine Run. Here we confronted the enemy, and there was firing on the skirmish line, but no general engagement. At this point the men suffered intensely from the cold. The men, being compelled to lie in the rifle-pits withare you gwine to do with t'other? Jake's only reply was a back-step and a double-shuffle, the wind all the while making streamers of his torn pants. This performance was greeted with shouts and uproarious laughter from every looker on. After Meade withdrew we returned to Liberty Mills. An amusing order from Colonel Barbour. Headquarters Lane's brigade, March 14th, 1863. Special Order No.----. The colonel commanding has the pleasure to announce to the gallant officers and men o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The defence of battery Gregg-General Lane's reply to General Harris. (search)
ss than that from either of the other two. The most of Harris's brigade was sent to Battery Whitworth. I have recently seen General Thomas, who says that some of his men were in Fort Gregg, including his Adjutant General, Captain Norwood, and he authorizes me to state that Harris's brigade of Mahone's division has no right to the exclusive or chief honors of the defence of that fort. Were it necessary, I could furnish letters upon this subject from Captain E. J. Hale, Jr,, and Lieutenant E. B. Meade of my staff, Major Thomas J. Wooten, of the Eighteenth North Carolina, Lieutenant Thomas M. Wiggins, of the Thirty-seventh, and others. When I made my last official report at Appomattox Court-house, in obedience to General Lee's order, I made no allusion whatever to any other command in Fort Gregg; but after stating that a part of my brigade retreated to that fort, I spoke of the gallant defence in general terms. I expected Generals Harris, Thomas and Walker to do the same, and th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
— I only know now that he belonged to the gallant old 7th. When we had closed with the enemy at the Jones House, McRae's North Carolina brigade, which had been formed in our rear as a support, rushed forward to participate in the fight. Some of my own command requested that they should be kept back, as they were not needed, but this was not done, and the two brigades fought together for the rest of the day. We captured a large number of prisoners in this engagement. My Aid, Lieutenant Everard B. Meade, and my Brigade-Inspector, Captain E. T. Nicholson, two accomplished officers and gentlemen, displayed great gallantry on this occasion, and were of very great assistance to me, particularly as my physical condition was such as to prevent my moving about rapidly. About dark we fell back to the edge of the woods — the Jones House side — where we slept on our arms. Action at Pegram House. Next morning we advanced through the woods again and formed line of battle in full vie<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign of Chancellorsville — by Theodore A. Dodge, United States army. (search)
nst the Federal left and centre. Sickles bears the brunt of Stuart's attack, and most gallantly holds the ground for a a time, but is finally driven from his position, as is Slocum, who joins him on the left. Hooker permits the centre of his army to be beaten, while the wings are practically unengaged. Reynolds, with the First corps, had been brought up from Fredericksburg on Saturday, thus making over 90,000 troops in all that had been concentrated at Chancel-lorsville. But Reynolds and Meade, with the First and Fifth corps, are allowed to remain idle on Sickles's right while he is being defeated; and on the left wing of the army, the Eleventh and part of the Second corps have no enemy in front. Thus more than half of the force that Hooker had at hand did little or nothing towards resisting Lee's onset. Meantime, with all these unemployed troops at hand, Hooker was depending upon Sedgwick to advance from Fredericksburg and strike the Confederate rear. Sedgwick, who had with hi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade (search)
ar window just after the train had crossed a bridge, and as the night was very dark and rainy, he made his escape. He had on at the time a uniform made of an old shawl, but next morning he prevailed on a Radical near by to give him a working suit and a valise as a disguise. He afterwards worked until he made money enough to buy him a fashionable suit, in Baltimore, and pay his passage from that city to Richmond. His escape was exciting and full of adventure. When he reached Richmond Lieutenant Meade and I dressed him up in our soiled military clothes, and a lady friend escorted him to the Provost Marshal's office, in the Baptist Female Institute. He there surrendered as a straggler, was paroled and given transportation to his home in North Carolina. Lieutenant Wiggins was considered one of our bravest young officers. He specially distinguished himself at Spotsylvania Courthouse, on the 12th May, when our brigade, in its flank movement in front of our works, struck Burnside's c
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Longstreet's division. (search)
ck. In equipment the odds are conceded by all to have been enormously in the enemy's favor, and in discipline they were unfortunately heavy on the same side. The most condensed evidence upon this subject comes from a Northern source. Mr. William Swinton, in his excellent History of the army of the Potomac, after a full account of General McClellan's remarkable efforts and success in organizing and disciplining his army, says on page 67: Had there been no McClellan, I have often heard General Meade say, there could have been no Grant, for the army made no essential improvement under any of his successors. It was common throughout the war to ascribe a high degree of discipline to the Confederate army, even higher than that of the Army of the Potomac. But the revelations of the actual condition of that army since the close of the war, do not justify this assertion. On the contrary, they show that the discipline of the Army of Northern Virginia was never equal to that of the Army o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
en behaved well throughout this trying campaign, and superiority of numbers alone enabled the enemy to drive us from our works near Petersburg. Colonel Cowan, though indisposed, was constantly with his command, and displayed his usual gallantry, while Major Wooten nobly sustained his enviable reputation as an officer. We have to mourn the loss of Captains Nicholson, Faine, McAulay and Long, and other gallant officers. Captain E. J. Hale, Jr., Assistant Adjutant-General, and First Lieutenant E. B. Meade, Aide de Camp, were constantly at their posts, displaying great bravery, and giving additional evidence of their efficiency as Staff Officers. I am unable to give our exact loss at Petersburg. I surrendered at this point fifty-six officers and four hundred and eighty-four men, many of the latter being detailed non-armsbearing men, who were sent back, to be surrendered with their brigade. The Seventh, the other regiment of my command, is absent in North Carolina on detached
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of the crater, July 30, 1864. (search)
sixth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-second and Twenty-third regiments. Grant had massed 65,000 men opposite this brigade. Beauregard's whole force in the line was only three-and-a-half brigades. The theory of the assault, as stated by General Meade in the Court of Enquiry, held by the Federals soon after, was for General Burnside, with 15,000 men to rush in the opening made by the explosion, and dash over to Cemetery Hill, five hundred or six hundred yards to the rear; this corps to be the enemy from rushing down the hill and getting in the rear of our lines. This order was promptly executed, and gave the remainder of the Seventeenth in the main trench more room to use their guns. The damage done — let the enemy tell. General Meade says the assault came principally from his right (our left) of the crater. The enemy brought guns from all points and threw shells into the crater. General Potter began his movement towards the crest, and was met by another force of the e
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Campaigns of the civil war — ChancellorsvilleGettysburg. (search)
uestion. The Army of the Potomac, under General Meade, 82,000 men and 300 guns. The Army of Ne 80,000 or 82,000 men and 300 guns with which Meade encountered him at Gettysburg. General Doubleers of the Federal army on July 1st, 1863? General Meade's official return for June 30th, the day bs, and of course it settles the question as to Meade's numbers. It gives the present for duty in tly 2d two brigades, not included above, joined Meade, viz: Stannard's Vermont brigade and Lockwood'ysburg, and adding the 12,000 cavalry, we have Meade's present for duty of all arms as 106,283. (Ahich were omitted from the return of June 30.) Meade s return contains a heading not used in Confednd the 12,000 cavalry, and we have 100,900 for Meade's fighting strength for actual line of battle.ivision at Frederick, which is not included in Meade's numbers) in protecting communications, guardestimate of Lee's force is to be compared with Meade's 106,283 present for duty of all arms. The
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
my request, and on account of his youth, General Lee ordered him to report to me for duty. As my acting aid he was always ready for any duty, and behaved very gallantly at Chancellorsville, where he was killed in the charge on the morning of the 3d of May. He was a boy of fine disposition, and by his attractive manners soon made friends wherever he went. He was a great pet at our Headquarters, especially with my first Adjutant-General, Captain G. B. Johnston. My last aid was Captain Everard B. Meade, of Richmond, Va., who first volunteered and afterwards enlisted for the war as a private in Company F, Twenty-first Virginia Regiment. At the time of his promotion he was a Second Lieutenant in the First Engineer Regiment of the Army of Northern Virginia. He was an intelligent, high-toned gentleman, and a prompt, efficient, and very gallant officer. In the battle at Jones's farm he was conspicuously gallant; and from the time our lines were attacked at Petersburg to the surren