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nt, and will immediately make arrangements to place the four gentlemen again under the protection of the British flag. Beside these documents on the Trent case, there is a despatch from M. Thouvenel, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, to M. Mercier, the Minister of the Emperor at Washington, in which Thouvenel pronounces the conduct of the American cruiser unjustifiable, but hopes for a pacific solution of the difficulty. To this Mr. Seward responds in a note to M. Mercier, in which he colution of the difficulty. To this Mr. Seward responds in a note to M. Mercier, in which he corrects an error of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, refers him to his correspondence with the British Government, and exchanges assurances of friendship. The settlement of the Trent difficulty affords much gratification, and there is a general expressed acquiescence in the course of the Government, while the despatches of Secretary Seward are viewed in the light of the highest statesmanlike ability.
February 11. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, in answer to the call of the Senate of the United States for information concerning the French Minister's (M. Mercier) visit to Richmond, Va., said that since March fourth, 1861, no communication, direct or indirect, formal or informal, save in relation to prisoners of war, has been held by this Government, or by the Secretary of State, with the insurgents, their aiders or abettors; no passport has been granted to any foreign Minister to pass the military lines, except by the President's direction. --At the Lord Mayor's banquet at London, this day, the rebel Commissioner, J. M. Mason, was present, and delivered a speech.--London News.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Captain Wilkes's seizure of Mason and Slidell. (search)
e Government of the United States, that Government will, of its own accord, offer to the British Government such redress as alone could satisfy the British nation, namely, the liberation of the four gentlemen and their delivery to your lordship, in order that they may again be placed under British protection, and a suitable apology for the aggression which has been committed. On the 3d of December, the French Government also made an informal protest, through its minister at Washington, M. Mercier. On the 26th of December, Mr. Seward wrote at length to Lord Lyons, reviewing the case, and saying that the commissioners would be cheerfully liberated. In the course of the letter Mr. Seward said: If I decide this case in favor of my own Government, I must disavow its most cherished principles, and reverse and forever abandon its essential policy. The country cannot afford the sacrifice. If I maintain those principles, and adhere to that policy, I must surrender the case itself.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
Franklin Row) Joseph Holt. K Street, as their ministerial residence. There they took up their abode on their arrival, on the 26th, with servants and other necessaries for carrying on a domestic establishment, and Trescot was duly installed their Secretary. They were greeted with distinguished consideration by their fellow-conspirators, and the multitude of sympathizers in the National Capital; and they doubtless had roseate dreams' of official and social fellowship with Lord Lyons, M. Mercier, Baron Von Gerolt, and other foreign ministers then in Washington. That dream, however, assumed the character of a nightmare, when, on the following day, they heard of Anderson and his gallant little band being in Fort Sumter. On the 28th, December, 1860. the Commissioners addressed a formal diplomatic letter to the President, drawn up, it is said, by Orr, who was once Speaker of the Rebidence of the Commissioners. the house next to the open space in the picture. National Hou
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Introduction — the Federal Navy and the blockade (search)
that the reader can easily identify them, are (2) Baron De Stoeckel, Russian Minister; (3) M. Molena, Nicaraguan Minister; (4) Lord Lyons, British Minister; (5) M. Mercier, French Minister; (6) M. Schleiden, Hanseatic Minister; (7) M. Bertenatti, Italian Minister; (8) Count Piper, Swedish Minister; (9) M. Bodisco, Secretary RussiaBritish Government was going to take in relation to the Confederate cruisers that had been outfitted in Great Britain. He would have liked to hear also from Minister Mercier more on the subject of the vessels building in France that he had been in correspondence with John Bigelow about, and he would have liked to know exactly wha to the United States at just this hour. Mr. Schleiden, in view of what was to happen in the next few years, would have welcomed an outburst of confidence from M. Mercier, and for that matter, so would M. Bertenatti. But here they are, sinking all questions of statecraft and posing for the photographer as if the game of diplomac
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
hirty-fifth State), approved......Dec. 31, 1862 Battle of Murfreesboro, or Stone River......Dec. 31, 1862–Jan. 2, 1863 President Lincoln proclaims all slaves free in the seceding States......Jan. 1, 1863 Absent from duty in the army, 8,987 officers and 280,073 enlisted men......Jan. 1, 1863 Galveston, Tex., captured by the Confederates......Jan. 1, 1863 Gold at New York 133 1/4 to 133 7/8......Jan. 2, 1863 M. Drouyn de l'huys, French minister of foreign affairs, addresses M. Mercier, French minister at Washington, concerning mediation between the United States government and Confederate......Jan. 9, 1863 Arkansas post captured by the United States forces under W. T. Sherman and McClernand, with a fleet of gun-boats under Admiral Porter......Jan. 11, 1863 General Burnside resumes active operations, but is foiled by storms......Jan. 20-24, 1863 Gen. Fitz-John Porter cashiered and dismissed from the service of the United States under the Ninth and Fifty-second
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune, Chapter 8: during the civil war (search)
ichmond cry letter to Lincoln after the battle of Bull Run negotiations with Mercier the Prayer of Twenty Millions opposition to Lincoln's renomination the Niave of a foreign power or with any one assuming to represent the Confederacy. M. Mercier, the French minister at Washington, was openly friendly to the South. He hadhis influence in behalf of the rebellious States. In 1862 Greeley appealed to Mercier to secure the intervention of the French Government to end the war. Mercier coMercier commended the suggestion to his fellow diplomats in Washington, urging that it was an indication of the weakness of even the radicals of the North, and declaring that reply by Secretary Seward to a despatch from the French Foreign Secretary to M. Mercier, suggesting informal conferences with the Confederates to end the war. In thi have done already. Seward wanted me sent there for my brief conference with M. Mercier. The cry had steadily been, No truce! No armistice! No negotiation! No me
; big circulation, 52. Lottery ticket selling, 26. Lovejoy, E. P., murder of, 136. -, Owen, on emancipation proclamation, 198 note. M. Madisonian (newspaper), invitation to Greeley, 57. McElrath, T., partner in the Tribune, 62. Mercier, Greeley's approach to, 193. Mileage abuse, Greeley's attack on, 99-103. Missouri compromise, 127. Missouri, Liberal Republican movement in, 226-230. Morning Post, 25. N. Nebraska question, 163-165. Negro education, Northern1. Secession, the right of, 184. Seward, William H., Greeley's complaint to, 173; dissolution of firm of Seward, Weed, and Greeley, 174-176; letter to Weed, 177; Greeley's objection to his nomination, 179; Secretary of State, 184; reply to Mercier, 193-195; on Greeley's negotiations. 196. Shepard, H. D.'s, Morning Post, 25. Slavery, Greeley's part in its abolition, 123; Abolitionists defined, 124; their erratic views, 125; early antislavery societies, 130; Northern attitude, 128-136
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 48: Seward.—emancipation.—peace with France.—letters of marque and reprisal.—foreign mediation.—action on certain military appointments.—personal relations with foreigners at Washington.—letters to Bright, Cobden, and the Duchess of Argyll.—English opinion on the Civil War.—Earl Russell and Gladstone.—foreign relations.—1862-1863. (search)
nd maintaining our cause in full letters to Cobden, Bright, and the Duchess of Argyll. Those were intended to set right the duke, then in the Cabinet. He kept up close relations with the foreign ministers resident at Washington,— Lord Lyons, Mercier, Schleiden, and Baron Gerolt the dean of the corps, the last named always his cordial friend; and he was a favorite guest at their family as well as their state dinners. Lord Lyons, though not at all earnest for our cause, was not unfriendly to now,—not from any positive assurance of peace from England, but more from the conviction that the English government will not open that interminable chapter of war which many even think now already opened on their side. The French minister M. Mercier. who was with me for two hours yesterday, thinks that the ships will not be allowed to leave, and that there will be no trouble; and this is Lord Lyons's opinion. Baron Gerolt, the Prussian, and doyen of the diplomatic body here, who understan
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 49: letters to Europe.—test oath in the senate.—final repeal of the fugitive-slave act.—abolition of the coastwise slave-trade.—Freedmen's Bureau.—equal rights of the colored people as witnesses and passengers.—equal pay of colored troops.—first struggle for suffrage of the colored people.—thirteenth amendment of the constitution.— French spoliation claims.—taxation of national banks.— differences with Fessenden.—Civil service Reform.—Lincoln's re-election.—parting with friends.—1863-1864. (search)
t and glorious will be this country when it is fully redeemed, and stands before the world without a slave,—an example of emancipation! To George Bemis, December 18:— I have received a visit of three hours from the French Minister, M. Mercier. in which he told me plumply that he thought now as at the beginning that the war must end in separation, and that France was ready at any time to offer her good offices to bring about peace. When he said this I snapped my fingers. But does nat it will stand by Schleswig-Holstein. Schleiden, who is very intelligent, is openly for war. He says that the connection of the provinces with Denmark must be cut. This is war. Motley writes from Vienna that in his opinion war is inevitable. Mercier leaves Washington to-day. Inter nos, he will tell the emperor that the Mexican expedition is a mistake, and that he ought to withdraw it; but that the national cause here is hopeless, and that the war will end in separation! This I have from h