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The Cage. --The only cases recorded at this institution last night were Mary O'Donald alias Mary Moran, Ann Brannan, and Patrick Brannan, for keeping ill governed houses.
Continued. --The Irish women, named Mary O'Donald alias Mary Moran, Ann Brannan, and Patrick Brannan, were ordered to appear before the Mayor this morning to answer the charge of keeping a disorderly and ill-governed house. The case of James P. Tyler, charged with feloniously stealing one horse from Mrs. Mary E. Andrews, of Spotsylvania, on the 3d of August last, was continued till Tuesday next. Tyler was admitted to ball in the sum of $700 to appear.
iciated. The cases disposed of were few and of an uninteresting character. We append a list: Mary O'donald alias Mary Moran, Ann Brannan, and Patrick Brannan, appeared, according to adjournment from Wednesday, to answer the charge of keeping aavoring to support himself in a standing position in the middle of the floor, being hardly able to do so."--Seeking out Mrs. Moran, the woman to whom he rented the house, he reminded her of her promise to conduct it upon principles of proprietydered the officer to proceed with the call of his witnesses. The Recorder, however, reminded him that the Brannans and Mrs. Moran had several times before been up for bad conduct, and be did not think their case could be improved by further examinat that be would be bound over in the sum of $500, and a former recognizance entered into by him was declared forfeited. Mrs. Moran was required to give security in the sum of $200 for her good behavior. Both of these parties failing to give ball the