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The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1861., [Electronic resource], Pruntytown, Taylor Co., Va., April 23d, 1861. (search)
in many of the counties of the adjoining (Parkersburg) District, a glorious change is going on. The speakers, to-day, were Col. James K. Smith, our delegate to the Legislature; Jno. S. Burdett, Esq., our delegate to the State Convention; C. W. Newlon, Esq., our State Senator, and James Neeson, Esq., the Senator from the Marion District. Mr. Neeson's speech was a most powerful and argumentative appeal to the people to repel the insults, injustice and outrages of an abolitionized Government, by voting for the ratification of the Ordinance. Mr. Smith and Mr. Newlon both made excellent speeches on the same side, urging the people to act a noble part. Mr. Burdett spoke in a subdued tone, neither sustaining nor opposing the Ordinance. He most earnestly, however, joined the other speakers in recommending peace, unanimity, and harmony of action among the people. He reminded the people that they had extorted a pledge from him that he would not, under any circumstances, vote for secess