Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Otey or search for Otey in all documents.

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For sale -- 30 hhds. N. O. Sugar, 25 bbls. No. 1 Coffee Sugar. 50 bbls, Syrup; Crushed and Pulverised Sugar; Rice, Nails, &c; 150 bbls pure Mountain Whiskey; French Brandy and Wines. Johnson. Younger & Otey, oc 29--2w 13 Pearl st., Richmond.
Consigned for sale -- 1,000 lbs prime Feathers; 2,000 lbs, Home made Soap; Reported to arrive-- Several lots fine Butter, Bacon, Flaxseed, &c. Johnson, Younger & Otey, oc 29--2w 13 Pearl street.
Lynchburg Tobacco. We have now in store a large stock of Lynchburg Manufactured Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, from low to finest grades, consigned at low prices. Johnson, Younger & Otey, oc 29--2w 13 Pearl street.