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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 17, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Otey or search for Otey in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: February 17, 1862., [Electronic resource], Southern Bishops. (search)
Southern Bishops.
Editor of the Dispatch: My attention has been recently called to an article which appeared some ten days ago in your paper, in relation to the sanction given by Bishops Atkinson of North Carolina and Otey of Tennessee, to the usual circular notice sent to all the States on the ordination of Bishop Stevens; and as it seems designed to call in question the loyalty of the gentlemen to whom it refers, I deem it my duty, as the son of one of them, to take some notice of it.
themselves nor the facts of the case as above stated.
The influence which seems to have been drawn by such is most unwarranted from the facts and is utterly unjust as the friends of these bishops are well aware.
Both Bishop Atkinson and Bishop Otey have spent their whole lives in the South, being both Virginians by birth, and each has furnished from his own family, soldiers, who are now in the field, fighting the battles of our beloved country, against the insolent and barbarous Northern