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122,744.ThompsonJanuary16, 1872. 126,262.BrownApril30, 1872. 126,944.FarnhamMay21, 1872. 130,485.CoreyAugust13, 1872. 130,982.CoreySeptember3, 1872. 136,018.BaldwinFebruary18, 1873. 137,466.MooreApril1, 1873. 138,241.GallyApril29, 1873. 138,922.OringMay13, 1873. 140,278.KastenbeinJune24, 1873. 140,279.KastenbeinJune24, 1873. 142,652.RaySeptember9, 1873. 149,647.FosterApril14, 1874. 150,234.FarnhamApril28, 1874. 152,869.ReynoldsJuly7, 1874. 152,868.ReynoldsJuly7, 1874. 157,694.PaigeDecember15, 1874. 164,037.RichardsJune1, 1875. 166,549.PattysonAugust10, 1875. 167,726.AllenSeptember14, 1875. 168,044.MillarSeptember21, 1875. 168,591.ThompsonOctober11, 1875. 169,215.WestcottOctober26, 1875. 169,216.WestcottOctober26, 1875. 170,372.HookerNovember23, 1875. 170,593.RichardsNovember30, 1875. Type-set′ting Tel′e-graph. One in which the message at the receiving end is set up in type. The title is also held to mean, but does not correctly define, the instrument i