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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14., The ancient name Menotomy and the river of that name. (search)
er securing said proprietors' privilege of catching of fish in said town. The Bridge carried Weir lane or Lake street, Arlington, over the outlet of Spy pond. Paige tells us that at an early period the Dickson family occupied an estate on the easterly side of Menotomy river, extending from North avenue (now Massachusetts avenued thousand fish, which we judge will be a hundred pounds damage to the town in their crop, and tending to the inevitable impoverishing of divers poor families. Paige says—writing in 1877, The practice of fishing their Indian corn was long ago abandoned by cultivators in Cambridge; but the privilege of taking fish in Menotomy rithe Proprietors' Records, 1635-1829, it is given Menotomy, Manotomie, and Menotamye; the Commissioners' Records, 1638-1802, give Winotamies, and Menotomies river. Paige calls it Menotomy river, and Wyman refers to Menotomy river no less than forty times between 1637 and 1808, and once to Alewife river, in 1818. Cutter gives Men