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The Daily Dispatch: March 31, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 31, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Joseph Pannili or search for Joseph Pannili in all documents.

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nder of the stranger as Elam. The party made no reply, save in the shape of a hasty exit from the house. His pursuers followed hastily, and being nearly on him, be turned, drew a pistol and discharged it at the foremost of his pursuers, without effect however. The chase was continued thence around the southeastern edge of the Basin, down the street between the two large Gadego Mills, and thence to Shockoe Warehouse. Being in advance, Elam jumped through the window of the office of Mr. Joseph Pannili, and made his way directly for the attic of the warehouse, where he ensconced himself in an old box that had formerly been used to bring a horse from Petersburg — After a search of several minutes the fugitive was discovered, and ordered to surrender, the demand being backed by several muskets pointed in the direction of his person. He acceded to the request, first remarking that had he not have dropped his pistol he could not have been taken alive. Being properly secured he was carr