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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Columbian Exposition. (search)
d thence to the review. The national commission being chosen, the President appointed ex-Senator Thomas W. Palmer, of Michigan, to be permanent chairman, and John T. Dickinson, of Texas, permanent secretary. Col. George R. Davis, of Illinois, was chosen director-general of the exposition. The ground selected in Chicago for the erection of the buildings included the commons known as Lake Front, consisting of 90 acres at the edge of the lake adjoining the business centre of the city, and Jackson Park, containing over 600 acres. All the great buildings, except the permanent art building, were to be erected in the park. The entire work of the exposition was divided into fifteen branches, each of which was placed under the control of a director of acknowledged ability and national fame. These branches included the Bureau of Agriculture, the Departments of Ethnology, Fish and Fisheries, Mines and Mining, Liberal Arts, Publicity and Promotion, Fine Arts, Machinery, Manufactures, Electric