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The Daily Dispatch: August 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 5 1 Browse Search
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e victory and defeat" If it can be shown that the above-named officer and his brigade played this important part in the late battle, the fact should be widely known. Letters have been received here from Col. Vaughn, Lieut. Col. Reese, and Capt. Parker, of the Third Tennessee Regiment, composing part of the brigade. They have been published in the Register, of this lace --coples of which I send you, in verification of the extracts I propose to make. As gallant soldiers and actors in the cle, General Beauregard meeting with our gallant Colonel Elzey, (late a Captain in the U. S. A,) who commanded the 4th Brigade, said to him on the battle-field, 'Sir, you are the Brucher of the day, and have turned the tide of the battle.' On the same day, Col. Elzey was commissioned by President Davis Brigadier General." K. [Our correspondent appends an extract from a letter written by Captain Parker, a gallant young officer, bearing similar testimony. This was published yesterday.--Eps.]
lease permit me to return my thanks to the ladies of Murfreesboro', N. C., for their kindness in sending us, through Prof. Hogg. the sum of thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents, together with clothes &c., for the sick, of which I send you a list, accompanied by the names of subscribers, which you will oblige me by inserting in your paper: List of money for Yorktown soldiers from ladies of Murfreesboro', N. C. Mrs. W. N. H. Smith, $5; Mrs. Mary Beaman, $1; Miss Mattle Horn, $1; Mrs. Goodman Parker, 50 cents; Mrs. F. M. Capehart, 50 cents; Mrs. M. Grant, 25 cents; Mrs. W. Warren, 25 cents; Mrs. Sallie Day, 26 cents; Mrs. E. A. Hart, $1; Miss Imogen Hart, $1; Miss E. Hedgpeth, 50 cents; Mrs. H. T. Lassiter, $1; Mrs. B. Moors, $1; Mrs. L. T. Spiers, $3; Mrs. J. J. Yeates, $1; Mrs. J. Garting, 25 cents; Mrs. L. M. Cewper, $1; Mrs. E. M. Bishop, 50 cents; Mrs. W. B. Day, 50 cents; Mrs. B. Jester, $1; Mrs J. G. Wilson, 50 cents; Mrs. J. W. Holl, $1; Mrs. J. V. Lawrence, $1; Miss Nann