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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 436 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 315 1 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 58 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 46 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 1. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 40 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life 26 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 14 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 12 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 12 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 10 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition.. You can also browse the collection for William Penn or search for William Penn in all documents.

Your search returned 29 results in 8 document sections:

led; so that, with the reluctant consent of William Penn, who, though oppressed with persecutions annations. But, among the many in England whom Penn had benefited, gratitude was not extinct. On tce of Orange, as well as the warm friend of William Penn, interceded for the restoration of the prophat may be firm and lasting to us and ours; and Penn invited them to keep what's good in the charteres, in the lower province, the authority of William Penn rested but on sufferance; in the larger sta In regard to the improvement of the negroes, Penn attempted to legislate, not for the abolition o ruin of our young country. The relations of Penn to his colony were twofold; he was their soverehts were respected. The fundamental law of William Penn, even his detractors concede, was in harmon of the people. On returning to America, William Penn had designed to remain here for life, and tegard for the sacrifices and the virtues of William Penn gained him friends among English statesmen;[8 more...]
the chief produce of slave labor. The statesmen who befriended the system of colonial monopoly, showed their highest favor to the sugar colonies. We shall hereafter see England, not satisfied with monopolizing the traffic in negroes, seek also to engross every sugar plantation in the world. Finally, England, by the peace of Utrecht, obtained from France large concessions of territory in America. The assembly of New York had addressed the queen against French settlements in the west; William Penn advised to establish the St. Lawrence as the boundary on the north, and to include in our colonies the valley of the Mississippi. It will make a glorious country —such were his prophetic words. Spotswood of Virginia, again and again, directed the attention of the English ministry to the progress of the French in the west. In St. John the colony of Louisiana excited apprehensions of the future undertakings of the Bol. Cor. II. 272 French in North America. The colonization of Louisiana
en the banks of the Connecticut and the Hudson was possessed by independent villages of the Mohegans, kindred with the Manhattans, whose few smokes once rose amidst the forests on New York Island. The Lenni Lenape, in their two divisions of the Minsi and the Delawares, occupied New Jersey, the valley of the Delaware far up towards the sources of that river, and the entire basin of the Schuylkill. Like the benevolent William Penn, the Delawares were pledged to a system of peace; but, while Penn forbore retaliation freely, the passiveness of the Delawares was to them the degrading confession of their Heckewelder. defeat and submission to the Five Nations. Their conquerors had stripped them of their rights as warriors, and compelled them to endure taunts as women. Beyond the Delaware, on the Eastern Shore, dwelt the Nanticokes, who disappeared without glory, or melted imperceptibly into other tribes; and the names of Accomac and Pamlico are the chief memorials of tribes that made
In 1698, a branch of the Shawnees, offended with Chap. XXIII.} the French, established themselves at Conestogo; in William Penn received them as a part of the people of Pennsylvania; and they scattered themselves along the upper branches of the D, in half a century, a tithe of the prosperity which, within the same period, sprung naturally from the benevolence of William Penn to the peaceful settlers on the Delaware. The progress of the Anglo-American colonies was advanced, not by anticipaecting free schools and colleges. Among the most distinguished sons of Ireland of that day was George Berkeley, who, like Penn and Locke, garnered up his hopes for humanity in America. Versed in ancient learning, exact science, and modern literaturd theories of government. One perplexity had succeeded another, as waves follow waves in the sea, while the settlement of Penn had still prospered and thriven at all times since its beginning. And yet Logan could not shake off distrust of the issue
of Florida, or to engage in warfare with the few planters on the peninsula; and an embarkation was made for the purpose of regulating the southern boundary of the British colonies. Oglethorpe knew his danger: the Spaniards had been tampering with his allies, and were willing to cut off the settlements in Georgia at a blow; the promised succors, which he awaited from England, had not ar rived. But, in his enthusiasm, regardless of incessant toil, regardless of himself,—unlike Baltimore and Penn, securing domains not to his family, but to emi grants,—unlike so many royal governors at the north, amassing no lands, and not even appropriating to himself permanently a cottage, or a single lot of fifty acres, —he resolved to assert the claims of England, and preserve his colony as the bulwark of English North Amer---ica. To me, said he to Charles Wesley, death is Southey's Wesley, i 113. nothing. If separate spirits, he added, regard our little concerns, they do it as men regard the fo<
J. James I., his relations with Virginia, I. 120, 136, 145, 156, 187, 193. Grants a charter for New England, 272. His character, 291. James II. sends rebels to Virginia, II. 250. Becomes a proprietary, 313. Grants New Jersey, 315. Patron of the slave trade, 317. Arbitrary, 320. Favors William Penn, 364. His character, 407. His colonial policy, 408. Taxes colonial commerce, 410, 411, 413, 415. His career as king, 441. His flight, 446. Jamestown founded,. 125. Burned, I. 228. Jeffries, II. 250, 413. Jenkins, III. 436. Jesuits on the Kennebec, I. 27. On the Penobscot, 28. Order founded, III. 120. Extend French dominion, 121. Among the Hurons, 123 At Montreal, 127. Among the Mohawks, 133. On the Kennebec, 136. Their heroism, 141. Among the Onondagas, 143. Mission to the west, 149. On the Mississippi, 157. Law against, 193. Jogues, Father, III. 133. His martyrdom, 137. Johnson, Arabella, I. 357. Joliet, III. 155.
L. Lallemand, Father, III. 122-140. Law, John, III. 349. His credit system, 350. His bank, 354. Downfall, 357. Leisler, Jacob, II. 450; III. 51-54. His execution, 55. Reversal of attainder, 59. Lenni-Lenape, III, 383. In New Jersey, III. 239. Leon, Ponce de, discovers Florida, I. 33. Locke, John, his character, III. 144. Contrasted with Penn, I. 379. Logan, James, III. 44, 345. Louis XIV. persecutes the Huguenots, I. 175. His policy, 424. Treachery, 426. Absolute, III. 115. Defends legitimacy, 175. Recognizes William, 192. His cabinet, 208. His old age, 225. Death, 323. Louisburg founded, III. 235. Siege of, 460. Louisiana claimed by France, III. 168. First colony sails, 169. Colonized by D'Iberville, 200. Extent of, 343. Under Crozart, 347. The Mississippi company, 351. Effect of Law's fall, 358. Its war with the Natchez, 360. The crown resumes the government, 364. War with the Chickasas, 366. Condition in 1740, 368. Lovewe
P. Pamlicos, II. 239. Paper money, in. 186,209,350,355, 387. Pemaquid destroyed, III. 181. Penn, William, II. 363. His charter, 364. Opposes monopoly, 366. Sails for the Delaware, 369. Previous life of, 370. Contrasted with Locke, 379 Penn on the Delaware, 382. Treaty with the Indians, 383. Disputes with Baltimore, 387. Bids farewell to the colony, 395. Advocates English freedom, 397. His fame, 400. Thrice arrested, III. 39. Founds a democracy, 44. Pennsylvania. (See Penn.) Witchcraft in, II. 393. Slavery, 403. George Keith's schism, III. 36. Under Fletcher, 37. New constitution, 42. Delaware forever separated from it, 44. Few checks on popular power, 394 Its governor meets the Iroquois deputies, 455. Military organization, 456 Peorias, III. 197. Pepperell, William, III. 458. Pequods, war with the, I 397, 400. Peters, Hugh, arrives, I. 383. His death, II. 32. Philadelphia founded, II. 389, Philip, King, II. 98. Phipps, William, III