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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 762 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 138 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding). You can also browse the collection for Athens (Greece) or search for Athens (Greece) in all documents.

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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 572 (search)
e with come, commaunding him to sowe Some part in ground new broken up, and some thereof to strow In ground long tillde before. Anon the yong man up did stie And flying over Europe and the Realme of Asias hie, Alighted in the Scithian land. There reyned in that coast A King callde Lyncus, to whose house he entred for to host. And being there demaunded how and why he thither came, And also of his native soyle and of his proper name, I hight (quoth he) Triptolemus and borne was in the towne Of Athens in the land of Greece, that place of high renowne. I neyther came by Sea nor Lande, but through the open Aire I bring with me Dame Ceres giftes which being sowne in faire And fertile fields may fruitfull Harvests yeelde and finer fare. The savage King had spight, and to th'intent that of so rare And gracious gifts himselfe might seeme first founder for to be, He entertainde him in his house, and when asleepe was he, He came upon him with a sword: but as he would have killde him, Dame Ceres
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 1 (search)
loudes, appeares a compast bow of gleames Which bendeth over all the Heaven: wherein although there shine A thousand sundry colours, yet the shadowing is so fine, That looke men nere so wistly, yet beguileth it their eyes: So like and even the selfsame thing eche colour seemes to rise Whereas they meete, which further off doe differ more and more. Of glittring golde with silken threede was weaved there good store. And stories put in portrayture of things done long afore. Minerva painted Athens towne and Marsis rocke therein, And all the strife betweene hirselfe and Neptune, who should win The honor for to give the name to that same noble towne. In loftie thrones on eyther side of Jove were settled downe Six Peeres of Heaven with countnance grave and full of Majestie, And every of them by his face discerned well might be. The Image of the mightie Jove was Kinglike. She had made Neptunus standing striking with his long thre tyned blade Upon the ragged Rocke: and from
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 412 (search)
s had run his yearly race, When Progne flattring Tereus saide: If any love or grace Betweene us be, send eyther me my sister for to see, Or finde the meanes that hither she may come to visit mee. You may assure your Fathrinlaw she shall againe returne Within a while. Ye doe to me the highest great good turne That can be, if you bring to passe I may my sister see. Immediatly the King commaundes his shippes aflote to bee. And shortly after, what with sayle and what with force of Ores, In Athens haven he arrives and landes at Pyrey shores. As soone as of his fathrinlaw the presence he obtainde, And had of him bene courteously and friendly entertainde, Unhappie handsell entred with their talking first togither. The errandes of his wife, the cause of his then comming thither, He had but new begon to tell, and promised that when She had hir sister seene, she should with speede be sent agen: When (see the chaunce) came Philomele in raiment very rich, And yet in beautie farre more ri
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 587 (search)
o bring him to his ende. The tother sister slit His throte. And while some life and soule was in his members yit, In gobbits they them rent: whereof were some in Pipkins boyld, And other some on hissing spits against the fire were broyld, And with the gellied bloud of him was all the chamber foyld. To this same banquet Progne bade hir husband knowing nought Nor nought mistrusting of the harme and lewdnesse she had wrought. And feyning a solemnitie according to the guise Of Athens, at the which there might be none in any wise Besides hir husband and hir selfe, she banisht from the same Hir householde folke and sojourners, and such as guestwise came. King Tereus sitting in the throne of his forefathers, fed And swallowed downe the selfesame flesh that of his bowels bred. And he (so blinded was his heart) Fetch Itys hither, sed. No lenger hir most cruell joy dissemble could the Queene. But of hir murther coveting the messenger to beene, She said: The thing thou askes
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 7, line 404 (search)
e harme Entended. Now albeit that Aegeus were right glad That in the saving of his sonne so happy chaunce he had, Yet grieved it his heart full sore that such a wicked wight With treason wrought against his sonne should scape so cleare and quight. Then fell he unto kindling fire on Altars everie where And glutted all the Gods with gifts. The thicke neckt Oxen were With garlands wreathd about their homes knockt downe for sacrifice. A day of more solemnitie than this did never rise Before on Athens (by report). The auncients of the Towne Made feastes: so did the meaner sort, and every common clowne. And as the wine did sharpe their wits, they sung this song: O knight Of peerlesse prowesse Theseus, thy manhod and thy might Through all the coast of Marathon with worthie honor soundes, For killing of the Cretish Bull that wasted those same groundes. The folke of Cremyon thinke themselves beholden unto thee. For that without disquieting their fieldes may tilled be. By thee the land
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 7, line 453 (search)
eginas sonne replide: Thy suite is vaine: and of my Realme perforce must be denide. For unto Athens is no lande more sure than this alide: Such leagues betweene us are which shall infringde for meretish fleete be kend. When thitherward with puffed sayles and wind at will did tend A ship from Athens, which anon arriving at the strand Set Cephal with Ambassade from his Countrimen aland. Thunceters, concluding in the ende That under colour of this war which Minos did pretende To only Athens, he in deede the conquest did intende Of all Achaia. When he thus by helpe of learned skill His leaning still His left hand on his scepter, saide: My Lordes, I would not have Your state of Athens seeme so straunge as succor here to crave. I pray commaund. For be ye sure that what this Ile cahinke me blest of God that time doth serve to showe Without excuse the great good will that I to Athens owe. God holde it sir (quoth Cephalus) God make the number grow Of people in this towne of yours
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 7, line 759 (search)
ved well by thee, and by the Love which having brought Me to my death doth even in death unfaded still remaine, To nestle in thy bed and mine let never Aire obtaine. This sed, she held hir peace, and I perceyved by the same And tolde hir also how she was beguiled in the name. But what avayled telling then? she quoathde: and with hir bloud Hir little strength did fade. Howbeit as long as that she coud See ought, she stared in my face and gasping still on me Even in my mouth she breathed forth hir wretched ghost. But she Did seeme with better cheare to die for that hir conscience was Discharged quight and cleare of doubtes. Now in conclusion as Duke Cephal weeping told this tale to Phocus and the rest Whose eyes were also moyst with teares to heare the pitious gest, Behold King Aeacus and with him his eldest sonnes both twaine Did enter in and after them there followed in a traine Of well appointed men of warre new levied: which the King Delivered unto Cephalus to Athens towne to bring.
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 8, line 260 (search)
And now forwearied Daedalus alighted in the land Within the which the burning hilles of firie Aetna stand. To save whose life King Cocalus did weapon take in hand, For which men thought him merciful. And now with high renowne Had Theseus ceast the wofull pay of tribute in the towne Of Athens. Temples decked were with garlands every where, And supplications made to Jove and warlicke Pallas were, And all the other Gods, to whome more honor for to show, Gifts, blud of beasts, and frankincense the people did bestow As in performance of their vowes. The right redoubted name Of Theseus through the lande of Greece was spred by flying fame. And now the folke that in the land of rich Achaia dwelt, Praid him of succor in the harmes and perils that they felt. Although the land of Calydon had then Meleager: Yet was it faine in humble wise to Theseus to prefer A supplication for the aide of him. The cause wherfore They made such humble suit to him was this. There was a Bore The which
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 8, line 547 (search)
The noble Theseus in this while with others having donne His part in killing of the Boare, to Athens ward begonne To take his way. But Acheloy then being swolne with raine Did stay him of his journey, and from passage him restraine. Of Athens valiant knight (quoth he) come underneath my roofe, And for to passe my raging streame as yet attempt no proofe. This brooke is wont whole trees to beare and evelong stones to carry With hideous roring down his streame. I oft have seene him harry WholeAthens valiant knight (quoth he) come underneath my roofe, And for to passe my raging streame as yet attempt no proofe. This brooke is wont whole trees to beare and evelong stones to carry With hideous roring down his streame. I oft have seene him harry Whole Shepcotes standing nere his banks, with flocks of sheepe therin. Nought booted buls their strength: nought steedes by swiftnes there could win. Yea many lustie men this brooke hath swallowed, when the snow From mountaines molten, caused him his banks to overflow. i The best is for you for to rest untill the River fall Within his boundes: and runne ageine within his chanell small. Content (quoth Theseus): Acheloy, I will not sure refuse Thy counsell nor thy house. And so he both of them did use
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 15, line 335 (search)
eeing bace hath nothing left of all her welth to showe, Save ruines of the auncient woorkes which grasse dooth overgrowe, And tumbes wherin theyr auncetours lye buryed on a rowe. Once Sparta was a famous towne: Great Mycene florisht trim: Bothe Athens and Amphions towres in honor once did swim. A pelting plot is Sparta now: great Mycene lyes on ground. Of Theab the towne of Oedipus what have we more than sound? Of Athens, king Pandions towne, what resteth more than name? Now also of the race oAthens, king Pandions towne, what resteth more than name? Now also of the race of Troy is rysing (so sayth fame) The Citie Rome, which at the bank of Tyber that dooth ronne Downe from the hill of Appennyne) already hath begonne With great advysement for to lay foundation of her state. This towne then chaungeth by increase the forme it had alate, And of the universall world in tyme to comme shall hold The sovereintye, so prophesies and lotts (men say) have told. And as (I doo remember mee) what tyme that Troy decayd, The prophet Helen, Priams sonne, theis woordes ense