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Homer, The Odyssey (ed. Samuel Butler, Based on public domain edition, revised by Timothy Power and Gregory Nagy.) 80 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 18 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Philoctetes (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 12 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Ajax (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 6 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 4 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 4 0 Browse Search
Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 2 0 Browse Search
Homer, Odyssey 2 0 Browse Search
Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 142 results in 63 document sections:

Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
ca, Argonautica 119ff.; Valerius Flaccus, Argon. i.352ff.; Hyginus, Fab. 14. Tiphys, son of Hagnias, who steered the ship; Orpheus, son of Oeagrus; Zetes and Calais, sons of Boreas; Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus; Telamon and Peleus, sons of Aeacus; Hercules, son of Zeus; Theseus, son of Aegeus; Idas and Lynceus, sons of Aphareus; Amphiaraus, son of Oicles; Caeneus, son of Coronus; Palaemon, son of Hephaestus or of Aetolus; Cepheus, son of Aleus; Laertes son of Arcisius; Autolycus, son of Hermes; Atalanta, daughter of Schoeneus; Menoetius, son of Actor; Actor, son of Hippasus; Admetus, son of Pheres; Acastus, son of Pelias; Eurytus, son of Hermes; Meleager, son of Oeneus; Ancaeus, son of Lycurgus; Euphemus, son of Poseidon; Poeas, son of Thaumacus; Butes, son of Teleon; Phanus and Staphylus, sons of Dionysus; Erginus, son of Poseidon; Periclymenus, son of Neleus; Augeas, son of the Sun; Iphiclus, so
Euripides, Cyclops (ed. David Kovacs), line 82 (search)
ne is willing to sell provisions to needy sailors? Why, what is this? We seem to have marched into Dionysus' town. For here's a throng of satyrs near the cave. My first words to the eldest: Greeting! Silenus Greeting, stranger! But tell me your name and country. Odysseus Odysseus, of Ithaca, lord of Cephallene. Silenus I know of the man, the wheedling chatterer, Sisyphus' son.One version of Odysseus' ancestry, alluded to several times in tragedy, makes Anticleia, Odysseus' mother, marry Laertes when she is already pregnant by Sisyphus. Odysseus The very same. But spare me these aspersions. Silenus From what land have you sailed here to Sicily? Odysseus From Ilium and from the fighting at Troy. Silenus What? Did you not know your way home? Odysseus I was driven here by windstorms against my will. Silenus O dear! The fate you suffer is the same as mine. Odysseus Did you also come here against your will? Silenus Yes, chasing the pirates who had carried off Dionysus. Odysse
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 130 (search)
Now the zeal of the rival disputants was almost equal, until that shifty, smooth-mouthed liar, the son of Laertes, whose tongue is always at the service of the mob, persuaded the army not to put aside the best of all the Danaids for want of a servant-maid's sacrifice, nor have it said by any of the dead that stand beside Persephone that the Danaids have left the plains of Troy without gratitude for their companions who died for Hellas. Odysseus will be here in an instant, to drag the tender maiden from your breast and tear her from your aged arms. Go to the temples, go to the altars, at Agamemnon's knees sit as a suppliant! Invoke the gods, both those in heaven and those beneath the earth. For either your prayers will avail to spare you the loss of your unhappy child, or you must see your daughter fall before the tomb, her crimson blood spurting in deep dark jets from her neck encircled with gold.
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 402 (search)
Polyxena Mother, listen to me; and you, son of Laertes, make allowance for a parent's natural wrath. My poor mother, do not fight with our masters. Will you be thrown to the ground, be roughly thrust aside and wound your aged skin, and in unseemly fashion be torn from me by youthful arms? This you will suffer; but do not, for it is not right for you. No, my dear mother! give me your beloved hand, and let me press your cheek to mine; for never again, but now for the last time, shall I behold the dazzling sun-god's orb. Take my last farewells now. O mother, my mother! I pass beneath the earth. Hecuba O my daughter, I am still to live and be a slave. Polyxena Unwedded I depart, never having tasted the married joys that were my due! Hecuba Yours, my daughter, is a piteous lot, and sad is mine also. Polyxena There in Hades' courts shall I lie apart from you. Hecuba Ah me, what shall I do? where shall I end my life? Polyxena Daughter of a free-born father, a slave I am to die.
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 642 (search)
highest treasure life affords. I came when I heard a vague report— for a rumor prevailed amlng the guards—that Achaean spies are here. One man, that did not see them, says so, while another, that saw them come, cannot describe them; and so I am on my way to Hector's tent. Athena Fear nothing; all is quiet in the army, and Hector has gone to assign a sleeping-place to the Thracian army. Paris You persuade me, and I believe your words, and will go to guard my post, free of fear. Athena Go, for it is my pleasure ever to watch your interests, that so I may see my allies prosperous. Yes, and you too shall recognize my zeal. Exit Paris. In a loud voice, to Odysseus and Diomedes.Son of Laertes, I bid you sheath your whetted swords, you warriors all too keen. For the Thracian chief lies dead and his horses are captured, but the enemy know it, and are coming against you; fly with all speed to the ships' station. Why delay saving your lives, when the enemy's storm is just bursting on
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 906 (search)
Muse Curses on the son of Oeneus! Curses on Laertes' child! who has bereft me of my fair son and left me childless! and on that woman, too, that left her home in Hellas, and sailed here with her Phrygian lover, bringing death to you, my dearest, for the sake of Troy, and emptying countless cities of their brave heroes.
Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 386 (search)
r my bed, for this my marriage will destroy those whom you and I most hate. Chorus Leader How sweetly at your own sad lot you smile, chanting a strain, which, in spite of you, may prove you wrong! Talthybius Had not Apollo turned your wits to maenad revelry, you would not for nothing have sent my chiefs with such ominous predictions forth on their way. But, after all, these lofty minds, reputed wise, are nothing better than those that are held as nothing. For that mighty king of all Hellas, dear son of Atreus, has yielded to a passion for this mad maiden of all others; though I am poor enough, yet would I never have chosen such a wife as this. As for you, since your senses are not whole, I give your taunts against Argos and your praise of Troy to the winds to carry away. Follow me now to the ships to grace the wedding of our chief. And you too follow, whenever the son of Laertes demands your presence, for you will serve a mistress most discreet, as all declare who came to Ilium.
Homer, Iliad, Book 3, line 191 (search)
the old man saw Odysseus, and asked: Come now, tell me also of yonder man, dear child, who he is. Shorter is he by a head than Agamemnon, son of Atreus, but broader of shoulder and of chest to look upon.His battle-gear lieth upon the bounteous earth, but himself he rangeth like the bell-wether of a herd through the ranks of warriors. Like a ram he seemeth to me, a ram of thick fleece, that paceth through a great flock of white ewes. To him made answer Helen, sprung from Zeus:This again is Laertes' son, Odysseus of many wiles, that was reared in the land of Ithaca, rugged though it be, and he knoweth all manner of craft and cunning devices. Then to her again made answer Antenor, the wise:Lady, this verily is a true word that thou hast spoken,for erstwhile on a time goodly Odysseus came hither also on an embassy concerning thee, together with Menelaus, dear to Ares; and it was I that gave them entertainment and welcomed them in my halls, and came to know the form and stature of them b
Homer, Odyssey, Book 1, line 421 (search)
ow the wooers turned to the dance and to gladsome song, and made them merry, and waited till evening should come; and as they made merry dark evening came upon them. Then they went, each man to his house, to take their rest.But Telemachus, where his chamber was built in the beautiful court, high, in a place of wide outlook, thither went to his bed, pondering many things in mind; and with him, bearing blazing torches, went true-hearted Eurycleia, daughter of Ops, son of Peisenor.Her long ago Laertes had bought with his wealth, when she was in her first youth, and gave for her the price of twenty oxen; and he honored her even as he honored his faithful wife in his halls, but he never lay with her in love, for he shunned the wrath of his wife. She it was who bore for Telemachus the blazing torches;for she of all the handmaids loved him most, and had nursed him when he was a child. He opened the doors of the well-built chamber, sat down on the bed, and took off his soft tunic and laid it
Plato, Lesser Hippias, section 365a (search)
Zeus-born son of Laertes, wily Odysseus, I must speak out the word without refraining, as I shall act and think will be accomplished [and pray do not mutter in discord sitting here beside me]. For hateful to me as the gates of Hades