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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 20 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 20 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 6 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 6 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. John Dryden) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 4 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Trachiniae (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 2 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 2 0 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Persa, or The Persian (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 2 0 Browse Search
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Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 640 (search)
rtune, why linger in your maidenhood so long when it is within your power to win a union of the highest? Zeus is inflamed by passion's dartfor you and is eager to unite with you in love. Do not, my child, spurn the bed of Zeus, but go forth to Lerna's meadow land of pastures deep and to your father's flocks and where his cattle feed, so that the eye of Zeus may find respite from its longing.” By such dreams was I, to my distress, beset night after night, until at last I gained courage to telmine; but the constraint of Zeus forced him to act by necessity. Immediately my form and mind were distorted, and with horns, as you see, upon my forehead,stung by a sharp-fanged gadfly I rushed with frantic bounds to Cerchnea's sweet stream and Lerna's spring. But Argus, the earth-born herdsman, untempered in his rage, pursued me, peering with his many eyes upon my steps.A sudden death robbed him of life unexpectedly; while I, still tormented by the gadfly, am driven on from land to land bef
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
eidon appearing on the scene, the satyr fled, and Amymone lay with Poseidon, and he revealed to her the springs at Lerna.Compare Eur. Ph. 187ff.; Lucian, Dial. Marin. vi.; Philostratus, Imagines, i.8; Scholiast on Hom. Il. iv.171; Prop. iii.18.47ff.; Hyginus, Fab. 169. There was a stream called Amymone at Lerna. See Strab. 8.6.8; Paus. 2.37.1, Paus. 2.37.4; Hyginus, Fab. 169. But the sons of Egyptus came to Argos, and exhorted Danaus to lay aut her up and kept her under ward. But the rest of the daugters of Danaus buried the heads of their bridegrooms in LernaCompare Zenobius, Cent. iv.86. According to Paus. 2.24.2) the heads of the sons of Egyptus were buried on the Larisa, the acropolis of Argos, and the headless trunks were buried at Lerna. and paid funeral honors to their bodies in front of the city; and Athena and Hermes purified them at the command of Zeus. Danaus afterwards unite
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
obius gives of the hydra is clearly based on that of Apollodorus, though as usual he does not name his authority. That creature, bred in the swamp of Lerna, used to go forth into the plain and ravage both the cattle and the country. Now the hydra had a huge body, with nine heads, eight mortal, but the middle one immortal. So mounting a chariot driven by Iolaus, he came to Lerna, and having halted his horses, he discovered the hydra on a hill beside the springs of the Amymone, where was its den. By pelting it with fiery shafts he forced it to come out, and in the act of doing so he seized and held it fast. But ot the better of the sprouting heads, he chopped off the immortal head, and buried it, and put a heavy rock on it, beside the road that leads through Lerna to Elaeus. But the body of the hydra he slit up and dipped his arrows in the gall. However, Eurystheus said that this labour should not be reckoned a
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
amed her Thyone, he ascended up with her to heaven.Compare Diod. 4.25.4. Dionysus is said to have gone down to hell to fetch up his mother Semele at Lerna, where he plunged into the Alcyonian Lake, a pool which was supposed to be bottomless and therefore to afford an easy access to the nether world. Sf the name is the mistake of a copyist for Prosymnus, as seems to be suggested by the epithet Prosymna, which was applied to Demeter in the sacred grove at Lerna, where Dionysus also had an image. See Paus. 2.37.1. However, Hyginus gives Hypolipnus as the name of the guide to hell. Every year the descent of the god ppers on his rising from the dead. However, according to others, the resurrection of Dionysus and his mother took place, not in the gloomy swamp at Lerna, but on the beautiful, almost landlocked, bay of Troezen, where nowadays groves of oranges and lemons, interspersed with the dark foliage of tall c
Euripides, Heracles (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 419 (search)
Chorus He burned to ashes Lerna's murderous hound, the many-headed hydra, and smeared its venom on his darts, with which he slew the shepherd of Erytheia, a monster with three bodies.
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 103 (search)
h of many horses, many arms. Antigone Are the gates barred, and the brazen bolts fitted into Amphion's walls of stone? Old servant Never fear! All is safe within the town. But see the first one, if you want to know him. Antigone Who is that one with the white crest, who marches before the army, lightly bearing on his arm a shield all of bronze? Old servant A captain, mistress. Antigone Who is he? Who is his family? Tell me his name, old man. Old servant He claims to be Mycenaean; by Lerna's streams he dwells, the lord Hippomedon. Antigone Ah, ah! How proud, how fearful to see, like an earth-born giant, with stars engraved on his shield, not resembling mortal race. Old servant Do you see the one crossing Dirce's stream? Antigone His armor is quite different. Who is that? Old servant Tydeus, the son of Oeneus, Aetolian battle-spirit in his breast. Antigone Is this the one, old man, who married a sister of Polyneices' wife? What a foreign look his armor has, half-barbarian!
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 145 (search)
under truce, to fill your heart with joy. Antigone Who is that, old man, on his chariot, driving white horses? Old servant That, lady, is the prophet Amphiaraus; with him are the victims, earth's bloodthirsty streams. Antigone Daughter of the sun with dazzling zone, O moon, you circle of golden light, how quietly, with what restraint he drives, goading first one horse, then the other! But where is the one who utters those dreadful insults against this city? Old servant Capaneus? There he is, calculating how he may scale the towers, taking the measure of our walls up and down. Antigone O Nemesis, and roaring thunder-peals of Zeus and blazing lightning-bolts, oh! put to sleep his presumptuous boasting! This is the man who says he will give the Theban girls as captives of his spear to the women of Mycenae, to Lerna's trident, and the waters of Amymone, dear to Poseidon, when he has them enslaved. Never, never, Lady Artemis, golden-haired child of Zeus, may I endure that slavery.
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 588 (search)
n my own house. Polyneices And keep more than your share? Eteocles Yes. Leave the country! Polyneices O altars of my fathers' gods— Eteocles Which you are here to destroy. Polyneices Hear me— Eteocles Who would hear you after you have marched against your fatherland? Polyneices And temples of the gods who ride on white horses— Eteocles And who hate you. Polyneices I am being driven from my country— Eteocles Yes, for you came to destroy it. Polyneices Unjustly, O gods! Eteocles Call on the gods at Mycenae, not here. Polyneices You have become unholy— Eteocles But I have not, like you, become my country's enemy. Polyneices By driving me out without my portion. Eteocles And I will kill you in addition. Polyneices O father, do you you hear what I am suffering? Eteocles Yes, and he hears what you are doing. Polyneices And you, mother? Eteocles It is not lawful for you to mention your mother. Polyneices O my city! Eteocles Go to Argos, and invoke the waters of Ler
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Corinth, chapter 4 (search)
history of the Corinthian kings. Now the sanctuary of Athena Chalinitis is by their theater, and near is a naked wooden image of Heracles, said to be a work of Daedalus. All the works of this artist, although rather uncouth to look at, are nevertheless distinguished by a kind of inspiration. Above the theater is a sanctuary of Zeus surnamed in the Latin tongue Capitolinus, which might be rendered into Greek “Coryphaeos”. Not far from this theater is the ancient gymnasium, and a spring called Lerna. Pillars stand around it, and seats have been made to refresh in summer time those who have entered it. By this gymnasium are temples of Zeus and Asclepius. The images of Asclepius and of Health are of white marble, that of Zeus is of bronze. The Acrocorinthus is a mountain peak above the city, assigned to Helius by Briareos when he acted as adjudicator, and handed over, the Corinthians say, by Helius to Aphrodite. As you go up this Acrocorinthus you see two precincts of Isis, one if Isis su
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Corinth, chapter 15 (search)
e the cause of its foundation and the reason why the Argives afterwards laid Mycenae waste. The oldest tradition in the region now called Argolis is that when Inachus was king he named the river after himself and sacrificed to Hera. There is also another legend which says that Phoroneus was the first inhabitant of this land, and that Inachus, the father of Phoroneus, was not a man but the river. This river, with the rivers Cephisus and Asterion, judged concerning the land between Poseidon and Hera. They decided that the land belonged to Hera, and so Poseidon made their waters disappear. For this reason neither Inachus nor either of the other rivers I have mentioned provides any water except after rain. In summer their streams are dry except those at Lerna. Phoroneus, the son of Inachus, was the first to gather together the inhabitants, who up to that time had been scattered and living as isolated families. The place into which they were first gathered was named the City of Phoroneus.