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trine. By what constitutional power was the New Chapter introduced into the Discipline by the General Conference? Answer — By the same power by which any other matter is introduced which is not contrary to the restrictive rules. By Isaac Gibson.--Doesn't the New Chapter determine the moral position of the Church, and make it contrary to the law of God, etc., to hold slaves? Answer.--It does so determine in regard to holding slaves as chattels, whatever that means. E. P. Phelps was opposed to separation from the M. E. Church. He saw no sufficient reason for it. The New Chapter, as I view it, is not sufficient. I say 'tis not law. As I interpret it. it does not interfere with slave-holding in membership or preachers. If it made a test, I should be ready to go. I stand to defend our members in the South. I regard abolitionism as the greatest evil which could come on our country. To call us "Methodist Church, North," "the companions of thieves," and such names