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ose, to slavery as popularly understood to exist in the M. E. Church. But the New Chapter assumes that slavery, as defined in that chapter, does not exist at all in the M. E. Church. By A. W. Wilson.--Has a Presiding Bishop any authority to ordain any preacher, local, or traveling, who says he cannot subscribe to a the doctrines of the M. E. Church? Answer.--He has a right to ordain all who are elected duly, and who take upon themselves the vows of the ordination service. E. P. Phelps said: It is difficult in the present excited state of the country to prevent being misunderstood on this subject, unless I speak at great length. My Church and State relations are not in conflict. I am ready to stand by Virginia, and her Constitution and her laws. One reason that the Book Concern has made no dividend for some time, has been one account of the payments made to the Church South. We are not an abolition medium for the circulation of literature. I, and my Conferenc