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rt Circuit, addressed to the Conference. They were similar to the last paper. They were made the order of the day with the other memorials. On motion of E. P. Phelps, a committee of 15 was ordered, to which the memorials before the Conference should be referred, that a plan might be reported to secure, if possible, harmony, this committee to be selected by Messrs. S. S. Roszel, E. P. Phelps, and W. T. D. Clemm. J. N. Davis said — The strength of a cause lies in its justice. I represent my constituents of Patuxent Circuit. The New Chapter has been differently interpreted. Some call it an advance, some a retreat in doctrine on slavery. A thir a Methodist preacher, I know, nor a Methodist layman; but I nail it to the counter as a falsehood. The order of the day was laid over until tomorrow. Mr. Phelps, from the committee to report a committee of fifteen, to whom the memorials on division should be referred, reported as follows: A. Griffith, N. Wilson, N.