of granite, for the erection, first, of a suitable Penitentiary house, and then for a State Capitol.
Resolved, That should this be deemed expedient, then said committee shall inquire into the expediency of disposing of the fabrics in the Penitentiary now on hand, and rent out the entire Penitentiary to responsible contractors.
The Speaker announced the following as the committee; Messrs. McCue, Fleming, Bassil, Garrett, and Boreman.
Aid to Defaulting Sheriffs.--On motion of Mr. Phelps, the substitute "authorizing the Auditor of Public Accounts to release the sureties of defaulting Sheriffs from the payment of damages in certain cases," for special bill No. 146, was taken up and ordered to its engrossment.
Mr. Duckwall moved to put the bill upon its passage, and it was agreed to. The roll was then called and the bill passed — ayes 84; noes 3.
The following is a copy of the bill authorizing the Auditor of Public Accounts to release the sureties of defaulting She