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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
grew's line was not a continuation of that of Pickett's, but that it advanced in echelon. Further ield. As General Trimble says, the truth is, Pickett's, Pettigrew's, and Trimble's divisions were at field artillery was ready to move with General Pickett's assault, and to give me the benefit of had their forces well in hand, and that with Pickett in Chambersburg and Stuart out of reach, we sI would prefer that you should not advise General Pickett to make the charge. I shall rely a greated affirmation and turned to mount my horse. Pickett immediately said: I shall lead my division fout Hood's and McLaws' divisions in support of Pickett's assault. General Lee never ordered any suct of Pickett's attack. To have moved them to Pickett's support would have disengaged treble their on the field of battle. Mr. Pendleton robbed Pickett's division of its most important adjunct, freontest had continued several hours before General Pickett's troops came upon the field, and that th[44 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Our Gettysburg series. (search)
. The way in which the fights of the 2nd of July were directed does not show the same co-ordination which ensured the success of the Southern arms at Gaines' Mill and Chancellorsville. 4th. 1 do not understand why Lee, having gained some success on the 2nd, but found the Federal position very strong, did not attempt to turn it by the south, which was its weak place, by extending his right so as to endanger Meade's communications with Washington. 5th. The heroic but foolish attack of Pickett, on the 3rd, should never have been attempted. Longstreet seems to think that it was imposed upon him against his will by Lee. General Early says distinctly, in a paper published by the Southern Historical Society, that Longstreet deferred it so long that the Second corps could not co-operate with it as it would have done if the attack had taken place early in the morning. I hesitate very much between these two opinions. I put these questions to you in a letter which I wish you to keep
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
eneral is a little nervous this morning; he wishes me to attack; I do not wish to do so without Pickett. In General Longstreet's official report we find that Laws' brigade was ordered forward to iumbered together about 28,000 men on the morning of the 2d, and Longstreet says he had, without Pickett, some 13,000 men, making our strength (leaving out the cavalry, too,) 41,000. General Lee couldand Major Eshleman's artillery battalions — the three former marching with Hood's, McLaws', and Pickett's divisions, and the two latter constituting a corps reserve. As the route of this corps lay ang about it and Walton was never on the line to my knowledge. You gave me orders to advance on Pickett's right and I heard you give orders to Major Dearing to advance on his left. In short it was ny considered itself altogether and entirely under your command. You advanced my battery after Pickett's charge and were present and gave all the orders about advancing and firing in person. Thes
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarks on the numerical strength of both armies at Gettysburg (search)
ry. Seventeen regiments: Present, 7,000; average per regiment, 412; present for dnty,--; average per regiment,--. Heth's division. Fifteen regiments: Present,--; average per regiment,--; present for duty, 4,484; average per regiment, 299. Pickett's division. Fifty-three regiments: Present,--; average per regiment,--; present for duty, 17,500; average per regiment, 330. First corps. It will be seen that the average of the men present for duty in Early's division is exactly the averaeported by Meade was 13,621, but as this figure includes 7,262 wounded prisoners treated in the Federal hospitals, it leaves a balance of 6,359 valid prisoners only, which agrees well with the Confederate statement, about a thousand of the men reported missing, especially in Pickett's division, being really wounded left on the ground. There is therefore no discrepancy between these figures. Louis Philippe D'Orleans, Comte de Paris. Chateau d'eu Seine Inferieure, France, December 4th, 1877.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Murfreesboro. (search)
n revealed a strong line of skirmishers, which was driven back a considerable distance by our sharpshooters and artillery — the latter firing several houses in the fields in which the enemy had taken shelter. At the same time, accompanied by Major Pickett, of Lieutenant-General Hardee's staff, and Major Wilson, Colonel O'Hara, and Lieutenant Breckinridge of my own, I proceeded towards the left of our line of skirmishers, which passed through a thick wood about 500 yards in front of Hanson's por the command of Colonel Hunt, formed a special rear-guard. The enemy did not follow us. My acknowledgments are due to Colonel J. Stoddard Johnston, Lieutenant-Colonel Brent, and Lieutenant-Colonel Garner, of General Bragg's staff, and to Major Pickett, of Lieutenant-General Hardee's staff, for services on Friday, the 2d of January. Respectfully, your obedient servant, John C. Breckinridge, Major-General, C. S. A. Report of Colonel R. L. Gibson. headquarters Adams' brigade, Bre
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Numerical strength of the armies at Gettysburg. (search)
ate army, it would raise the effective strength of the former to fully 115,000 on the 27th day of June, four days previous to the battle. View these figures as one will, the disparity in numerical strength is very apparent. Historical accuracy being my great aim in all that I have to say upon this subject, I hasten to correct the error into which I have inadvertently fallen along with Mr. Swinton. Strength of the army of Northern Virginia, May 31st, 1863. commands.Present for Duty.Effective Total. Enlisted Men.Officers. First Army Corps: General Staff13 Anderson's Division6,797643 McLaws' Division6,684627 Hood's Division7,030690 Pickett's Division6,072615 Total First Corps26,5832,58829,171 Second Army Corps: General Staff17 A. P. Hill's Division8,501798 Rodes' Division7,815648 Early's Division6,368575 Johnson's Division5,089475 Total Second Corps27,7732,51330,286 Cavalry9,53675610,292 Artillery4,4602424,702 Total effective Army of Northern Virginia 74, 4561
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Longstreet's Second paper on Gettysburg. (search)
Federals into attacking us; eighth, the assault by Pickett, on the 3d, should never have been made, as it coulneral Lee included in his estimate two brigades of Pickett's division (Jenkins' and Corse's) which were left ist, if not quite, all authority on the subject that Pickett's charge on the 3d was almost hopeless. We had tesore, and with a much larger force than was given to Pickett. We had every reason to believe that the position h me the day before were in no condition to support Pickett, and beside they were confronted by a force that required their utmost attention. The men of Generals Pickett, Pettigrew, and Trimble, however, received and exhe Federal army been thrown right upon the heels of Pickett's retreating column, the results might have been mussed at the peach orchard, and under cover of which Pickett was to make his charge. Colonel Walton was a braver under the date of the 18th. The real strength of Pickett's division was 4,500 bayonets. It was printed at 5
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reply to General Longstreet's Second paper. (search)
n the night of the first, that he had given the order for Longstreet to attack at sunrise next morning. General Lee also said to the gentleman referred to by General Fitz Lee, that the battle would have been gained if General Longstreet had obeyed the orders given him, and had made the attack early instead of late. General Hood says that Longstreet said to him on the morning of the second: The General is a little nervous this morning; he wishes me to attack; I do not wish to do so without Pickett. I never like to go into battle with one boot off. Hood got up before sunrise, and he gives several circumstances tending to show that General Lee was anxious to make the attack at once. General Longstreet, in his first article, has stated that General Lee, at 5 P. M. of the 1st, announced his purpose of attacking the enemy the next day, that he persisted in that purpose late at night against his own repeated remonstrances, and that he reiterated it at daylight next morning. All the pre
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Steuart's brigade at the battle of Gettysburg.--a narrative by Rev. Randolph H. McKim, D. D., late First Lieutenant and Aide-de-camp, Confederate army. (search)
rewn with their dead and desperately wounded. The end soon came. We were beaten back to the line from which we had advanced with terrible loss in much confusion, but the enemy did not make a counter charge. By the strenuous efforts of the officers of the line and of the staff order was restored, and we reformed in the breastworks from which we had emerged, there to be again exposed to an artillery fire exceeding in violence that of the early morning. It remains only to say that, like Pickett's men later in the day, this single brigade was hurled unsupported against the enemy's works. Daniel's brigade remained in the breastworks during and after the charge, and neither from that command nor from any other had we any support. Of course it is to be presumed that General Daniel acted in obedience to orders. As soon as we were unmasked a most terrific fire was opened upon us from three directions. In front, on a rising ground heavily wooded, the enemy were posted in two lines