Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Pleasanton or search for Pleasanton in all documents.

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September 19. General McClellan, from his headquarters near Antietam, Md., sent the following despatches to the War Department at Washington: 8.30 A. M.--But little occurred yesterday except skirmishing. Last night the enemy abandoned his position, leaving his dead and wounded on the field. We are again in pursuit. I do not know whether he is falling back to an interior position or crossing the river. We may safely claim a victory. 10.80 A. M.--General Pleasanton is driving the enemy across the river. Our victory is complete. The enemy is driven back into Virginia. Maryland and Virginia are now safe. In the rebel House of Representatives in session at Richmond, Va., Mr. Foote offered the following resolution: Resolved, by the Congress of the confederate States of America, That the signal success with which Divine Providence has so continuously blessed our arms for several months past, would fully justify the confederate Government in despatching a commission
haracter. The fiend's new programme will necessarily destroy all terms between us. The next campaign will be a tremendous one, both for the magnitude and character of the operations. Let our authorities prepare the whole strength of our people for the tremendous shock. The enemy is making great preparations, as well as issuing fiendish proclamations. We must respond with equal energy. If we do not, we are lost. But we will do it. A force of Union troops, under the command of General Pleasanton, crossed the Potomac from Maryland into Virginia at Shepherdstown, for the purpose of making a reconnaissance. They advanced to Martinsburgh, which was occupied by Hampton's brigade of rebel cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, which they engaged, and after a short contest drove them from the town. On their return, and when near Shepherdstown, the rebels attacked them, when a sharp skirmish took place, resulting in a retreat of the rebels, with a loss of about sixty killed, and nin
October 12. This day, the rebel General Stuart's cavalry, which had passed around the Union army of General McClellan, made good its escape across the Potomac at White's Ford, near the mouth of the Monocacy River. During the day, General Pleasanton, with five hundred cavalry, harassed the rebel rear, and engaged them in a sharp skirmish, but with no material loss on either side.--(Doc. 5.) Considerable excitement was created in Gainsville, Texas, by the discovery of a secret organization of Unionists, whose object was said to be that of killing the secessionists, after which, they were to remove to Missouri, taking with them whatever property they could carry, and burn the remainder. The militia were called out, and arrested twenty-nine persons supposed to belong to the organization, two of whom were immediately hanged.--Houston News.
November 2. Yesterday and to-day, a series of skirmishes took place near Philomont, Va., between a force under General Pleasanton, which was ,advancing from Purcellsville to Union, and the rebel forces under General Stuart, ending in the retreat of the rebels.--(Doc. 21.) Snicker's Gap, Va., was occupied by the National forces under General McClellan. When General Hancock arrived there it was held by the rebel cavalry, who were driven out; a column of rebel infantry advanced to retake it, but were dispersed by the fire of the National artillery. General Pleasanton pursued the rebels several miles beyond Union, and at three o'clock in the afternoon succeeded in exploding one of their caissons and capturing ten of their wounded.--General McClellan's Despatch. An expedition under Colonel Dewey to Pittman's Ferry, Current River, Mo., in pursuit of a band of guerrillas infesting that locality, this day returned to camp at Patterson, Wayne County, Mo., having captured thir
or thirty miles with great loss. The Unionists did not lose a man.--Missouri Democrat. The steamer Darlington, with a company of colored troops on board, under the command of Colonel O. T. Beard, proceeded up Bell River, Florida, drove in the rebel pickets below Cooper's, destroyed their place of rendezvous, then destroyed the salt-works, and all the salt, corn, wagons, and horses which could not be taken away. Thence proceeded to Jolly River and destroyed two salt-works, with a large amount of salt and corn. Thence went to Saint Mary's, and brought off two families of contrabands, after driving in the rebel pickets. Captain Flint, of the First Vermont cavalry, with eighty men of his company, doing picket-duty in the vicinity of New Baltimore, Va., was attacked by one hundred and fifty rebel cavalry. Captain Flint drove the rebels two or three miles, and then returned to his post.--Piedmont, Va., was occupied by the National cavalry under Generals Pleasanton and Averill.
November 5. Lamar, Missouri, was this day captured by a body of rebel guerrillas under Quantrel, after a sharp fight with the garrison, consisting of only eighty State troops, under the command of Major Bruden, and partially destroyed by fire.--Leavenworth Conservative. A skirmish took place to-day at Barbee's Cross-Roads, Virginia, between a force of Union troops, under the command of General Pleasanton, and a detachment of General Stuart's rebel cavalry, resulting in the retreat of the latter with considerable loss.--(Doc. 29.) Salem, Virginia, was occupied by the National cavalry under General Bayard.--Curran Pope, Colonel of the Fifteenth regiment of Kentucky volunteers, died at Danville, Kentucky.--This day, while a battalion of General Shackleford's cavalry, under the command of Major Holloway, was moving from Henderson to Bowling Green, Kentucky, a party of rebel guerrillas under Johnson attempted to surprise them, on the Greenville road, about seven miles from
a, by General Saxton. Colonel Lee, of the Seventh Kansas, with about one thousand five hundred Union cavalry, made a successful reconnoissance in the vicinity of Hudsonville, Mississippi, defeating a party of rebels in a short skirmish, killing sixteen, and capturing one hundred and seventy-five of their number, one hundred horses, and a stack of firearms.--(Doc. 39.) The ship T. B. Wales, in latitude 28°, 30′, longitude 58°, was captured and burned by the privateer Alabama.--General Pleasanton, in a skirmish with the rebel General Stuart, captured three pieces of artillery, a captain, a lieutenant, and five privates, without loss. The Richmond Whig, of this day, declared that the success of the Democrats in the elections at the North was about equal to a declaration of peace. --Holly Springs, Mississippi, was evacuated by the rebels.--Mobile News. Prince Gortschakoff, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, sent a despatch to Paris, in reply to a proposal of concerted
November 16. The remaining corps of the army of the Potomac, which had been encamped around Warrenton, with the exception of the Fifth corps, and the cavalry under the command of General Pleasanton, followed in the advance on Fredericksburgh.--President Lincoln issued an order respecting the observance of the Sabbath-day in the army and navy.--(Doc. 32.) The advance of General Sill's brigade had a skirmish with a party of rebel cavalry on the Murfreesboro road, seven miles from Nashville, Tenn., without any loss
burned by the confederate privateer Coquette.--the Military Departments of the Monongahela and the Susquehanna were created; Major-General Wm. T. H. Brooks being assigned to the former, and Major-General Darius N. Couch to the latter.--Brigadier-General Pleasanton, in command of a cavalry force numbering about six thousand, supported by the column of infantry under the command of Generals Russell and Ames, had a severe engagement near Brandy Station, Va., with the enemy's cavalry, estimated at twelve thousand men, in which he so seriously crippled the enemy that they were unable to follow him, when, at the close of the day, he returned to the north side of the Rappahannock. General Pleasanton's men behaved in the most gallant manner, handsomely driving back superior forces of the enemy. Over two hundred prisoners and one battle-flag were captured.--(Docs. 10 and 62.) The Military Districts of the Frontier, and of the Border, were created by order of Major-General Schofield; the
tempt a raid in this direction, they will be able to effectually defeat them. The Aeronautic corps of the army of the Potomac was dispensed with, and the balloons and inflating apparatus were sent to Washington. The fight at Lafourche Crossing, La., was renewed this day, and ended in the defeat of the rebels with a loss of sixty killed, two hundred and forty wounded, and seventy prisoners. The Union loss was eight killed and sixteen wounded.--New Orleans Era, June 23. Major-General Pleasanton, with his cavalry, attacked the rebels, under General Stuart, at Middleburgh, Va., and after driving them over eight miles, succeeded in capturing two pieces of artillery, and sixty prisoners, besides killing and wounding over one hundred men.--(Doc. 77.) The ship Byzantium and bark Goodspeed were captured and burned by the rebel privateer Tacony off the coast of Massachusetts.--on the approach of the rebels toward Shippensburgh, Pa., the proprietor of the Union Hotel in that t