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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Stuart's cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
d delayed Stuart's crossing of the river two days. Thus it occurred that when he entered Maryland on the night of the 27th, the whole of the Federal army was also in Maryland, and communication with General Lee was cut off; for, as Mosby says, Pleasanton's cavalry, which was the rear guard of the Federal army, crossed the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry at the same time that General Stuart crossed at Seneca. Ewell was by that time at Carlisle, and Longstreet's and Hill's corps were also in Pennsylvasuggestion to cross the Potomac at Shepherdstown; for as Mosby says (page 177): He made a wide detour through Fairfax and crossed the Potomac the night of the 27th at Seneca, and went into bivouac on the Maryland shore. On the same night Pleasanton's cavalry corps, the rear-guard of the army, crossed ten or twelve miles above on the pontoon at Edwards' Ferry, and marched on to Frederick. If Stuart had crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown on the 25th, as suggested by General Lee, he wo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Review of the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
ffened by about three thousand infantry, and Pleasanton, the Chief of Cavalry, was directed to dispeAt daylight on the morning of the 9th, under Pleasanton's directions, Buford with a division of cavaity. In his official report of that date, Pleasanton states that a train of cars was run up to Brtive cavalry leaders. On the one side, General Pleasanton's task was to penetrate the Confederate ad heretofore kept Lee's force concealed. Pleasanton had declared, He would make the enemy show hht was renewed at Middleburg, to which point Pleasanton had dispatched another force, taking Stuart in rear. A division of infantry reinforced Pleasanton, and Longstreet sent back a division to Snickerville. The fighting lasted several days. Pleasanton in his reports, claims to have penetrated sevening, and communication be severed between Pleasanton and Hooker, and that if the former's cavalryancing. Buford could not then have received Pleasanton's order of July 1st, directing him to fall b
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
g Bureau, 11. Oates, Col., of the 50th Ala., 128. O'Conor Chas., the first to lead for defence of Jefferson Davis, 245. Oladowswi, Lieut. Col., 16. Ordnance of secession, 186. Ordnance Bureau of the Confederacy, 1.15. Ould, Col. Robert, Commissioner of Exchange, 352. Parker, Commodore F. A., 42. Parker, Representative, 164. Pegram, Willy 65. Petersburg Fight around. 174. Pickett, Gen. George E., 132. Pickett's Division, fatalities in its officers, 193. Pleasanton, Gen. A., 35. Plume, Gen. Joseph, 165. Plummer, Rev. Dr. W. S., 71. Poindexter, Rev. James E., 144. Rains, Col. G. W.. 4, 16. Ramsey W. R., 298. Reynolds, Death of General, 121. Richmond? Who was last to leave the burning city of, 317. Rodes Gen. R. E., 8. Rogers, Capt. Geo. J., 208. Ryal, Lieut. C. M., 65. St. John, Col. J. M., 10 16. Salem Church, Monument at, 167. Sedgwick General 80. Selph. Capt. Colin McRae, 256. Semmes, Admiral R., 2. Sewa