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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
he river. Hooker, on his side, had set out with his division and Pleasanton's brigade of cavalry during the night of the 2d-3d of August; but placed at its disposal would permit. The cavalry of Averill and Pleasanton covered the rear. The campaign of the peninsula was ended. Geneby Mansfield's small corps, which had halted behind him. Finally, Pleasanton with his cavalry already occupied the fords and the upper bridge oods that had been so often disputed since morning. On his left, Pleasanton was following his movement with three batteries of horse artiller the contest. The battle was only sustained by two divisions and Pleasanton's artillery, about thirteen thousand men and twenty guns. In fin and was compelled to fall back before the well-sustained fire of Pleasanton's artillery. Longstreet had deployed the four brigades he still w pieces had succeeded in coming into battery. More to the left, Pleasanton's cannon had enabled Porter to take possession of the bridge of t
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
ll was at once ordered to start in pursuit. Pleasanton, who protected the encampments of the army oout for him at Frederick. In the mean time, Pleasanton had hastened to Mechanicsville, but only to oad on their way down toward the Potomac. Pleasanton, however, in his efforts to reach this rivereaching this place, about the same time that Pleasanton made his appearance on the banks of the Poto and soon compelled them to retreat. Whilst Pleasanton's column, thus interrupted on its march, was scarcely reached the other side when it saw Pleasanton approaching in one direction, whose march haeasy one, his adversaries had learned much. Pleasanton and his brigade, who cleared McClellan's marhe Second corps was occupying Snicker's Gap, Pleasanton pushed forward in the direction of Ashby's Gntinue the fight, retired toward Flint Hill; Pleasanton followed him as far as Sandy Hook, thus occueaving the Rappahannock on the right, whilst Pleasanton, remaining on the left bank of this river, w[5 more...]