Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 27, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pleasanton or search for Pleasanton in all documents.

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ring in the east, and just received a messenger from General Pleasanton, who is fighting on the other side." Leavenwortlost about fifty men in the fight of Wednesday. General Pleasanton is believed to be co-operating with Curtis and Rosectelegram adds: A message has been received from General Pleasanton stating that he was pressing Price with twenty thousning, he could not, at the same time, have been fighting Pleasanton at Independence. The affair is closed up by a dispatch south. Our cavalry is in hot pursuit — altogether, with Pleasanton's force, numbering one thousand five hundred men only. tt, but will be too closely followed to do much damage. Pleasanton closed yesterday's battle at Independence by capturing a from this point, the enemy gradually falling back. Pleasanton then came in on our left, and a grand charge followed, r Curtis is still accumulating strength at Independence. Pleasanton is well to the southwest of Lexington, and A. J. Smith,