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national difficulties without sacrificing the honor of Virginia. He had waited, and now he saw no ground for any such hope.--Years ago, in the General Assembly of Virginia, he stood with forty others, including the gentleman from Montgomery (Mr. Preston,) and the gentleman from Henry, (Mr. Gravely,) in doing all he could for the protection of South Carolina. He knew they would still be found on the side of State Rights. Others had cried out, crucify her! but he was glad that some of those against any infringement of the provisions of the Federal Constitution. Resolved, That the President of the Convention cause copies of the foregoing resolution forth with to be sent to the Houses of the General Assembly. Mr. Brown, of Preston, regarded this as a matter belonging exclusively to the General Assembly. He moved that the resolution be laid upon the table. The motion was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Price, the Convention adjourned, to meet again on Monday, at 10