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The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1860., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 10, 1864., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for B. Price or search for B. Price in all documents.

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Conviction of a Noted Counterfeiter. --Manassas, or "Minnie" Price, was convicted in Philadelphia on a charge of having counterfeit money in his possession. His conviction is regarded as a great triumph for justice, the fact being well known to the police that he was an extensive dealer in counterfeit money, and his house a grand distributing point for bogus money. The Pennsylvanian says Price had correspondents all over the Union, whom he supplied with counterfeit money, and his books,ssion. His conviction is regarded as a great triumph for justice, the fact being well known to the police that he was an extensive dealer in counterfeit money, and his house a grand distributing point for bogus money. The Pennsylvanian says Price had correspondents all over the Union, whom he supplied with counterfeit money, and his books, with the names of his correspondents in various sections, written in cabalistic characters, were secured at the time the descent was made upon his house.
g for 1861.-- The undersigned offers his services to the public as a Hire of Negroes for the ensuing year. His increased experience enables him confidently to promise those who engage his services, that their business will be attended to in the most satisfactory manner, and prompt returns made quarterly. References.--N. P. & T. C. Howard, Lee & Pleasants, L. R. Spillman, John H. guy, Attorneys at Law, Alvey & Lipscomb, Porter, Harris & Horner, Merchants, Dr. Thomas Poliard. Rev. Philip. B. Price, Richmond; Col. B. Anderson, N. W. Miller, Dr. John Morris, Dr. G. W. Harris. C. F. Pope, Jno.S. Swift, Postmaster, John Woodson, Thos. J. Perkins, Goochland Co.,Va.J. L. Crittenden, W. S. Embry, J. Joseph Fauquier Co., Va.; Geo. Hamilton, Culpeper Co., Va.; W Lunsford, S. W. Skinker, James I or es, Stafford Co., Va.; Douglas H Gordon, Fredericksburg, Va.; Col. M. M Payne. U. S. A., Washington, D. C. Lucien Lewis, Office under Metropolitan Hall. Richmond, Va. de 15--1m