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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 44 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Freemasonry, (search)
ization of which there is no certain information as to the time of its introduction into the United States. According to many masonic writers a provincial grand lodge (St. John's) and also a private lodge were established at Boston, Mass., by Henry Price on July 30, 1733. Benjamin Franklin, who is supposed to have been initiated in England, published the masonic constitution in 1734; and during the same year Henry Price was constituted grand master over all North America. On Nov. 4, 1752, GeHenry Price was constituted grand master over all North America. On Nov. 4, 1752, George Washington became a member of the order and on Aug. 4, 1753, was made a master mason. The first masonic hall in the United States was built in Philadelphia in 1754. The returns of the grand lodges of the United States and British America for 1899-1900 were as follows: Whole number of members, 857,577; raised, 46,175; admissions and restorations, 21,325; withdrawals, 16,603; expulsions and suspensions. 597; suspensions for non-payment of dues, 16,844; deaths, 13,507. Gain in membership
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fremont, John Charles 1813-1890 (search)
eding 56,000, was scattered over his department. Chafing under unjust complaints, he proceeded to put into execution his plan of ridding the Mississippi Valley of Confederates. His plan contemplated the capture or dispersion of troops under General Price in Missouri, and the seizure of Little Rock, Ark. By so doing, he expected to turn the position of Pillow and others in the vicinity of New Madrid, cut off the supplies from the southwest, and compel them to retreat, at which time a flotilla 's career was suddenly checked. False accusers, public and private, caused General Scott to send an order for him to turn over his command to General Hunter, then some distance in the rear. Hunter arrived just as the troops were about to attack Price. He took the command, and countermanded Fremont's orders for battle; and nine days afterwards Gen. H. W. Halleck was placed in command of the Department of Missouri. The disappointed and disheartened army were turned back, and marched to St. Lo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Harney, William Selby 1798-1889 (search)
848 he was brevetted brigadier-general for his services in the battle of Cerro Gordo (q. v.). He was promoted to brigadiergeneral in 1858, and placed in command of the Department of Oregon; and in July. 1859, took possession of the island of San Juan, near Vancouver, which England claimed to be a part of British Columbia, and which the United States soon afterwards evacuated. Harney then commanded the Department of the West; and in April. 1861, while on his way to Washington, he was arrested by the Confederates at Harper's Ferry, Va., and taken to Richmond. He was soon released, and, on returning to St. Louis, issued proclamations warning the people of Missouri of the dangers of secession. In consequence of an unauthorized truce with Price, the Confederate leader. Harney was relieved of his command. He retired in August, 1863; was brevetted major-general, United States army, in March, 1865; and was a member of the Indian Commission in 1867. He died in Orlando, Fla.. May 9. 1889.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Helena, battle at. (search)
Helena, battle at. There was a sharp struggle between the National and Confederate troops at Helena, Ark., on the west side of the Mississippi, on July 4, 1863. Gen. B. M. Prentiss was in command there. The Confederates in that region were under the command of General Holmes, assisted by Generals Price, Marmaduke, Fagan, Parsons, McRae, and Walker, and were the remnants of shattered armies, about 8,000 strong in effective men. The post at Helena was strongly fortified. It had a garrison of 3,000 men, supported by the gunboat Tyler. Holmes was ignorant of the real strength of Prentiss, and made a bold attack upon the works. At three o'clock in the afternoon the Confederates were repulsed at all points, and withdrew with a loss, reported by Holmes, of 20 per cent. of the entire force, or 1,636 men. Prentiss lost 250 men. The Confederate loss must have been much greater than Holmes reported, for Prentiss buried 300 of their dead left behind, and captured 1,100 men.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Iuka Springs, battle near (search)
mber. At the beginning of September the Confederates under Price and Van Dorn moved towards the Tennessee River, and, when Bragg moved into Tennessee, Price attempted to cut off communications between Grant and Buell. General Armstrong (Confederateear Creek, 7 miles east of Corinth, and, at the same time, Price moved northward from Tupelo with about Iuka Springs, 1862. 12,000 Confederate troops. Price struck Iuka, Sept. 10, and captured the National property there. Grant at once put two columns in motion to crush Price—one, under Rosecrans, to attack his flank and rear, and another, under General Ord, to conf more than three times their number of Confederates, led by Price in person. Finally, when Colonel Eddy, of an Indiana regimng, Stanley pressed forward for the purpose, but found that Price had fled southward under cover of the darkness, leaving beher cover of the darkness, leaving behind the captured guns of the 11th Ohio Battery. Price was pursued all day, but escape
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jenkinson's Ferry, battle of. (search)
Jenkinson's Ferry, battle of. In 1864, General Steele, at Little Rock, Ark., tried to co-operate with the Red River expedition, but was unable to do so effectually, for he was confronted by a heavy body of Confederates. He started southward, March 23, with 8,000 troops, cavalry and infantry. He was to be joined by General Thayer at Arkadelphia, with 5,000 men, but this was not then accomplished. Steele pushed on for the purpose of flanking Camden and drawing out Price from his fortifications there. Early in April Steele was joined by Thayer, and on the evening of the 15th they entered Camden as victors. Seriously menaced by gathering Confederates, Steele, who, by the retreat of Banks, had been released from duty elsewhere, moved towards Little Rock. He crossed the Washita on the night of April 26. At Jenkinson's Ferry, on the Sabine River, he was attacked by an overwhelming force, led by Gen. Kirby Smith in person. Steele's troops, though nearly famished, fought despera
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lexington (search)
hority so offensive to the Missourians that he left the State. General Price called upon the Confederates to fill up his shattered ranks. T useless, because there were no shells. On the morning of Sept. 11 Price appeared at a point 3 miles from Lexington. Hourly expecting reinfthe overwhelming force of the enemy with the means at his command. Price moved forward, drove in the National pickets, and opened a cannonadgles, but the defence was bravely maintained throughout the day. Price was anxious, for he knew that there was a large Union force near unnd night after night his men worked to strengthen the position, and Price's 20,000 men were kept at bay. Finally, on the 17th, the Confederatresolving to retrieve it, at once put in motion 20,000 men to drive Price and his followers out of Missouri. The National loss in men was fothat they left this money and the seal behind, which fell into Battle of Lexington, Mo. Mulligan's hands. These treasures Price recovered.