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valanches, of the 3d instant, says: A gentleman just from General Price's army contradicts the Federal report of the capture of nearly a thousand Southern troops on their way to join Price's army. He informs us that large numbers of recruits were constantly arriving at GenerGeneral Price's camp. Many of Price's men whose term of service had expired had gone home to see their families, and induce their neighbors to rePrice's men whose term of service had expired had gone home to see their families, and induce their neighbors to return, with them to engage in the defence of Missouri, so that the expiration of the terms of service of so many of them will, in the end, augment rather than diminish General Price's army. He reports General Price as being at Springfield, preparing for more extended operations thaGeneral Price as being at Springfield, preparing for more extended operations than ever. There is a general uprising of the Missourians against the invaders, especially in the northern part of the State. They will never Of these, all except two were private citizens, two were members of Price's cavalry. These marauders took all the mules, horses, whiskey, &c
ern News. We give below some extracts from late Northern papers received at this office: Lincoln soldiers shot by Secessionists in Missouri--the Retreat of Price. From the St. Louis (Mo.) Evening News, of the 27th ult., we clip the following: Two soldiers were shot through the head and killed at Sedalia on Christmssionists. Efforts were being made to detect and punish the murderers. They were shot in a grove not more than a hundred yards from the camp. The retreat of Price from Osceola is confirmed. He was apprehensive of being attacked in front from Sedalia, while the troops at Rolla marched on his rear, and cut off his route to throvided winter quarters — a fact which would appear to indicate that they are to continue active operations throughout the winter, and probably march in pursuit of Price, if necessary. We have already mentioned the expedition of a troop of Merrill's cavalry from Sedalia to Lexington for the purpose of burning the ferry boats a
From Missouri. Memphis, Jan. 7. --Jeff. Thompson will leave to-day for New Orleans. Gen. Price is reported to be at Springfield, Mo., with 10,000 men. Military movements are in operation which will doubtless soon clean out the Federals from Northern Missouri.