Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Price or search for Price in all documents.

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r, the Speaker in the Chair. Resolutions. The following resolutions were presented: By Mr. Anderson; Requesting Col. Chas. Dimmock to make a careful and thorough examination of the fortifications and defences of this city, and report the condition thereof to this House. Adopted. By Mr. Casenove: To inquire into the expediency of refunding to L. A. Larkin, of Alexandria, a license tax paid by him, the use of which had been denied him by the occupation of that city by the enemy. Adopted. By Mr. Brocks; To enquire into the expediency of providing for the release of the county tax on slaves. Adopted. The tax bill. Mr. Barbour. from the Committee of Finance, reported a revenue tax bill, which was rend, amended, and after a lengthy debate upon the clause imposing a tax upon liquors distilled from trails, was ordered to engrossment. Upon motion of Mr. Savenelers the Mouse then went into [Mr. Price, of Southampton, is detained at home by Illness.]
el officers captured on Saturday last were incorrectly reported from Sedalla this morning. They are as follows: Brigadier-General Price, Col. Dorsey, Col. Cross, and Capt. Inge, all of Major-General Price's staff. Everything at Fort Donelson wMajor-General Price's staff. Everything at Fort Donelson was progressing satisfactorily. Our army are encamped in the captured works of the enemy, living comfortably in the log huts and tents of the late rebel soldiers. Our army were very enthusiastic and anxious to march against Nashville. ary prison on the charge of disloyalty. Springfield, Mc., Feb. 19.--It is not probable that our army will follow General Price very far into Arkansas. There is considerable talk of fortifying Neosho and placing detachments of troops at Cassville. Letters found in Price's headquarters reveal a strong Union sentiment in Arkansas. Albert Pike is working wonders among the Indians. Cassville, Mo., Feb. 16.--We are in pursuit of the enemy. He is now encamped at Keysville, eight
; and Tennessee officers and citizens declare that the State will soon be back in the Union. Reported defeat of General Price at Sugar Creek, Ark. Our readers will recollect that, a few days since, we published a telegraphic dispatch claiming a brilliant victory for the Confederates, under Gen. Price, at Sugar Creek, Ark, The following is the Federal report of the affair. We shall a wait further information before making up our minds in regard to the fight: Headquarters, St. Louis, Feb. 20, 1862. To Major-General McClellan. Price, being reinforced by McCulloch's command, made a stand at Sugar Creek, (we crossed into Arkansas on the 18th,) and has defeated after a short engagement, and again fled. Many rebel prisoners were taken, and the arms which Price's men threw away in their flight. H. W. Hallech, Major-Gen. Com. Interesting from Kentucky--Columbus evacuated--Gen. Buchner. St. Louis, Feb. 21. --A Union scout, who was in Columbus Tuesd