Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 27, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Price or search for Price in all documents.

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ms to have occurred between the main forces of Price and Curtis, but the locality of the battle is , one of the fords of the river was carried by Price. The telegram adds: A message has been rfrom Independence, and pursuing them sharply. Price is heading for Kansas, and may cross the Stateg fourteen and killing one. Of course, if Price was pressing Blunt's rear at the Big Blue on Fn the story of an "informant," who claims that Price was defeated in a general battle. The telegraeral battle has been fought and a victory won. Price's whole army is reported to be retreating rapie New York Herald, from St. Louis, says: Price's march westward seems to be in two columns--olington, seven miles west of Lexington. Price in a Tight place. Nothing but the most stuattle is imminent and cannot be long delayed. Price's fleetness saved him at Booneville, but he calf-dozen guerrilla bands hang on the flanks of Price's army to steal and pillage from the people an[11 more...]