edication of a memorial window, erected in memory of the dead of the Pegram Battalion Association, and the depositing of a register of the same, at the Chapel at the Soldiers' Home at Lee Camp.
The following companies constituted the battalion: Purcell Battery, of Richmond, Virginia; Crenshaw Battery, of Richmond, Virginia; Letcher Battery, of Richmond, Virginia; Fredericksburg Battery, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Pee Dee Battery, of South Carolina—commanded by Colonel Wm. Johnston Pegramart of this military organization, had its origin and existence in the loyal heart and generous purse of one of my oldest and best esteemed friends, then and now one of your oldest, most valued and valuable citizens, from whom it took its name—John Purcell.
It was commanded by my almost life-long friend, Lindsay Walker, as gallant a soldier as ever carried a gun into action, and next in command, the boy soldier, Willie Pegram, whom I had known and loved from his babyhood, and who in the beginn
Port Royal captured, 122.
Powell, Sergeant J. L., 92.
Pratt, Capt , 48, 52.
Pray. Lt. A. W., 20.
Prentiss, Gen., 301, 306; his cavalry, 62, 64.
Presidents of the U. S. born North and South, 431, 436.
Pressley, H. M., 175.
Pressley. Col. J. G., 116, 134, 189
Preston, Gen. John S , 32.
Preston, Col. J. T. L., 44.
Preston. Gen Wm., 274.
Price, Gen., Sterling. 81.
Prieur. D., and Col. E. Waggaman, Duel of, 447.
Prince, A. H., 396
Pryor Gen. Roger A., 183
Purcell, John, 208.
Quarles, Gen., 107.
Quinine, Price of, 149
Quintard, Bishop C. T., 205; his tribute to Gen. B. F. Cheatham, 349
Racer, British steamer, 148.
Rains, Col. 289.
Rains, Gen. G J., 428.
Ramsay, Col., 88.
Ramsay, Lt., 164
Ramseur, Gen S. D., 391 446.
Randolph, Hon. Geo W , 273.
Randolph. Capt. M. L, 91.
Randolph. Peyton, 429.
Rats as food, 176.
Ravenel, Surgeon W. C., 155.
Rawdon, Francis, Marquis of Hastings, 7, 9.
Rawle on the Constitution, Wm., 331.
The following is a list of the guests thus honored: Governor P. W. McKinney, Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, Colonel C. S. Venable, General James A. Walker, Dr. J. William Jones, Major T. A. Brander, Captain Thomas Ellett, Captain R. B. Munford, Miss Lucy Lee Hill, Miss Russie Gay, Miss Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Saunders, Mrs. Ransom, Miss Thomas, Miss Fannie Hill, Miss Minnie Hill, Mrs. Wiltshire, General Fizhugh Lee, General Dabney H. Maury, Dr. J. B. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Bispham, Mr. John Purcell, Mrs. McKinney, Mrs. J. Taylor Ellyson, Miss Lelia Dimmock, Mrs. J. B. Pace, Mr. McIntosh, Miss McIntosh, Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. General Heth, Miss Heth, Mrs. W. H. Palmer, Mrs. E. G. Leigh, Mrs. Frank Christian, Mrs. Taylor, Miss Taylor, Miss Muns, Mr. William L. Sheppard, Mrs. William L. Sheppard, Miss Jennie Ellett, Miss Styles, General D. A. Weisiger, General C. J. Anderson, Colonel R. Snowden Andrews, General James McDonald, Colonel John Murphy, Mrs. J. W. White, Mrs. Christian, Mrs.
neral Fields, Thomas H. Massey, substituted, Chapman Maupin, transferred to engineers, George McKenney, discharged, James McKenney, discharged, Lucius McKildoe, wounded, Jeter Montgomery, Joseph J. Moone, wounded, James Morris, wagoner, Robert Murphy, John Neale, killed at Ashland, Benjamin Owens, W. W. Palmer, wounded at Gettysburg, captured, Richard Payne, Edward Porter, wounded, Edward F. Porter, Henry Porter, killed at Nance's Shop, J. Horace Porter, R. Louis Porter, Joseph A. Pullen, John Purcell, died in service, Broaddus Reamy, James Reamy, killed at Sailors' Creek, William A. Reamy, killed at Nance's Shop, Emmett Reed, Clarence Rice, Robert Wilbur Rice, William Rice, James Robb, Charles Rust, transferred to Company H, John Rust, died of wounds, William R. Rust, severely wounded at Gettysburg, Coral Robertson, William W. Rose, killed, Robert A. Sanfard, wounded, Robert Self, John Settle, Robert Spilman, severely wounded at Ashland, Thomas M. Spilman, Bruce Stringfellow, severely
E. Goldsmit, S. Hastings, J. T. Hutcheson, William M. Harrison, B. F. Harris, G. L. Herring, George Hagedon, J. Howard, J. M. Jones, Sampson Jones, Jr., Daniel Johnson, Alexander Johnson, T. K. Lyon, W. S. Lehmann, J H. Leftwitca, D. B. Lucus, A. A. Lorentz. Wm. MacFarlane, Luke McKenna, P. T. Moore, Jordan Martin, A. Martin, Miles Macon, J. M. Macon, M. May, J. S. Michard, L. Marye, John Meredith, R. M. Nimmo, C. A. McEvoy, C. Nevins.
Wm. Old. Jr., A. C. Porter, W. L Porter, W. Pollar, John Purcell, S. G. Peachy, Mann Page, S. B. Paul. A. E. Peticolas, J. Peyser, J. S. Pendleton, Jr., W. A. Patterson, L. Rueger, Wm. F. Ritchie, E. G. Rawlings, G. W. Randolph. M. L. Randolph, B. W. Richardson. G. E. Rawlings, Wm. I. Scott. M. Seagers, James L. Scoggin, H. H. Selden, R. Shutts, J. F. Stagg, H. W. Starke, --Smith.
E. Straus, Wm. Stone, Franklin Thomas, D. H. Tucker, L. Wagner, Thomas Wheeley, A. D. Williams, J. T. Vannerson, B. R. Wellford, Jr., W. E. Warren, G. W. Yancey, Philip Well