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The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], Re-enlistment of volunteers.--no Coorcien. (search)
6th day of January, two overcoats from Frank Dickman. He was sent on for trial before Judge Lyons. The Grand Jury assembled and were sworn in, after which they were charged by Mr. Daniel, Commonwealth's Attorney, on the character of the offences which they were expected to take cognizance of. Among other fit subjects of presentments he mentioned extortioners. The following is a list of the Grand Jury sworn in at this term. Geo. W. Smith, (Foreman,) Wm. H. Haxall, Wm. Palmer, John D. Quarles, C. H. Powell, Samuel P. Mitchell, Mark Downey, James T. Butler, Geo. D. Shell, Theod'k Robertson, Wm. Beers, L. W. Glazebrook, Wm. S. Donnan, G. F. Watson, Alex. H. Rutherfoord, Fleming Griffin, Alfred T. Harris, Samuel C. Greenhow, and Geo. Whitfield. The following parties were presented by the Grand Jury for misdemeanors, viz: Andrew Muller, Frank H. L. Allen, Richard Copeland, Carlos W. Ellis, Jesse White, Henry Holman, John Gentry, Wm. Henry Selden, Edward Kelley, Martin Maddu