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Your search returned 3 results in 2 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], The cotton question. (search)
A member of the Tennessee Legislature, when offering a bill the other day to pay his colleagues and himself in gold, stated that "everything is now bringing double, treble or forbade which is brought a few years ago."
Man kind should learn temperance from the moon: the fuller she gets the smaller her horns become.
The New Berne Times says that the "peace"offered to the South by the ultraists North is in one respect like that spoken of in the Scriptures-- "it passeth all understanding."
The English are never satisfied.
Now they find fault with Gladstone, for being a grave man. If his name was Gravestone they would complain that he was a glad man.
Mr. Quilp defines turkey to be oriental merchandise.
An evident miss-demeanor — coquetry.