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Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
tes. At 3 P. M. Mr. Carmichael sent me in his buggy to call on Colonel Rains, the superintendent of the Government works here. My principalundays. I had a long and most interesting conversation with Colonel Rains, who is a very clever, highlyeducated, and agreeable officer. this war, with his usual perspicacity, President Davis selected Colonel Rains as the most competent person to build and to work the Governmennd the result has proved the wisdom of the President's choice. Colonel Rains told me that at the beginning of the troubles, scarcely a grain been more expensive. In the construction of the powder-mills, Colonel Rains told me he had been much indebted to a pamphlet by Major Bradle now that it has been roused; and also of the zeal and skill of Colonel Rains. He told me that Augusta had been selected as a site for theseiver and a canal, besides being situated on a central railroad. Colonel Rains said, that although the Southerners had certainly been hard up