Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for George W. Randolph or search for George W. Randolph in all documents.

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t Richmond. On March 4th Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated President of the United States. On the 6th the Virginia commissioners to the peace convention at Washington submitted a report, through Governor Letcher, to the Virginia convention, setting forth the unsatisfactory results of the conference. On the 8th of April the Virginia convention, still anxiously seeking to secure peace, selected three of its most distinguished members, Alexander H. H. Stuart, William Ballard Preston and George W. Randolph, to visit Washington and confer with President Lincoln in reference to the course he intended to pursue in dealing with the Confederate States. This delegation met Mr. Lincoln on the 12th, and on the next day, by appointment, had a conference with him, during which he read and handed them a paper setting forth his views and declaring his intention to coerce the seceding States into obedience to Federal authority. That same day Fort Sumter surrendered to the Confederate States. On
gue's Virginia carairy battalion, and Maj. George W. Randolph's Richmond (Va.) howitzer battalion. e First North Carolina, and four pieces of Major Randolph's battery, to Bethel church, on the road tfor the protection of the bridge, in which Major Randolph placed his guns so as to sweep all the apped an outwork, with an emplacement for one of Randolph's guns. During the day and night of the 7tdetachment of his regiment, accompanied by Major Randolph with a howitzer, all under command of Lieupproached rapidly and in good order, but when Randolph opened on them, their organization was broken but this movement was quickly driven back by Randolph's artillery and its supports. In the meantime Stuart withdrew, and Ross was detained near Randolph's main battery at the church, but Bridgers crttery and its most accomplished commander, Major Randolph. He has no superior as an artillerist in whole engagement, and none were injured. Major Randolph wrote of his battalion: I can say nothing