Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 2, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George W. Randolph or search for George W. Randolph in all documents.

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Voters, Remember! --The doctrine of coercion, so strenuously advocated by the Black Republicans, and so cordially opposed by the South, has its friends and advocates in our midst, under the pretence of enforcing the law. They would make the South a conquered province. Voters! look well to your tickets. Do not entrust your liberties to any who, regardless of your liberties, would surrender a single right. To secure them vote for Randolph, Steger, and Robertson. fe 2--1t
Voters, Remember --That whilst Virginia is making offers of peace and compromise, the North still maintains her position of defiance. We have offered the olive branch. The North responds with armed men and ships-of-war, the implements of subjugation, and not of love and peace. The occasion demands prompt action. Vote for men who desire prompt action. Vote for Randolph, Steger, and Robertson. fe 2--1t
Voters, Remember! --The question now before the country is one of awful moment; one that rises high above mere party. It is a question to settle for years the fate of the country, and with it our peace and prosperity. If you would settle this question honorably to yourselves and the South, vote for Randolph, Steger, and Robertson. fe 2--1t
State's-rights Ticket. Regular Nomination. George W. Randolph. John Overton Steger. Judge John Robertson. Election: Monday, February 4th, 1861. ja 31--4t
Voters, Remember. --All honorable efforts to save the Union have failed. The South, though deeply wronged, has again and again begged for concessions. The reply has been, we have none to offer. It is vain to extenuate the matter. Six sister States have already declared themselves free and independent. Shall Virginia stand idle? "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" Voters, in your might, rally, rally for Randolph, Steger, and Robertson. te 2--1t
he Capitol, in the City of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 13th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d inst., at 5 o'clock, to take the oaths prescribed by law. Thomas U. Dudley, Sergeant City of Richmond. N. B.--The Polls will be opened at
of fidelity to the Union is being administered to the militia of the District. It is expected that all the clerks will have to take a similar oath, and so we are having a merry time here. In this connection, it may not be amiss to state that however much Gen Scott may love Virginia, he has taken special pains not to visit any of her representatives during his present sojourn in Washington. Heretofore, he has been invariably quite social and intimate with them. The nomination of Messrs. Randolph, Steger, and Robertson, in your city, and Messrs. Goggin and Kirkpatrick in Lynchburg, gives great satisfaction to Southern men here. But the Tribune says,"that patriots like Messrs. Botts, Barbour, Clemens, and Stuart, will have a clear majority of twenty-eight in the Convention." Heaven forbid! I could give the names of a party of traitors, where of "this correspondence" was one, who were busily engaged till a late hour last night in sending off the magnificent articles contribu